
The Central Committee of the Gay Agenda met and voted. We don't want Rick Santorum on our team.

For most companies, the largest expense is their personnel. The Stanford graduates make very good wages and pay correspondingly high amounts in various taxes on payroll, income, sales, etc. An enormous amount of cash flows from those industries back into the local and even national economy.

Two things happen of they attack South Korea: 1) They kill a lot of American soldiers (aka "tripwire") and the USA is at war. 2) China cannot allow the USA to reunify Korea unilaterally so they become involved as well. This means China will spank North Korea if they so much as think North Korea is going to war for

This looks like Google is subsidizing the phone (or at least selling at cost.) My AT&T Nexus One is barely two years old so it's hard for me to take the leap, even for such a low price. The 2013 Nexus is all mine, though. I hope Google repeats this deal next year.

You can load your apps from Amazon's app store if you like. You need a gmail address to start it all working but not beyond that. Like Chrome, this is a cloud device and you get a lot of benefit from enabling and using the Android cloud, even if you still use another email service.

There's also no use for a rhino horn.

Or, you pay a domain-grabber $50 to try and use their automated registration system to buy that domain first; people recommend signing up for several of these services to increase your chances. So now you're into it for $100 on a $10 domain name. Or, you buy it from a scalper like this guy for $70.

According to reporting on the case, Google and Sun negotiated over writing Android. We don't really know what the context for the email referenced above is, so we cannot really assume Andy Rubin meant that they were out of compliance and should get one. There was some debate over whether they should go full-on Java

"adult epithelial stem cells"

You don't "weigh" in to a fray, you "wade" in.

I used to work the flightline on Nellis and drove home to central California often on weekends. If the pilot wasn't speeding, he'd be the only person on I-15 going anywhere near the speed limit. He gets props for chutzpah, though, and for winning. Everyone loves a winner.

China isn't going to let us lob a nuclear weapon anywhere near their border. China will protect North Korea. This is why sanctions are the only avenue available.

I'm a coder and I agree with this ruling. Under the definition of property theft you deny the rightful owner access to their property. Steal my car and I cannot drive it. Copy my source code and I am not deprived of its use. So it's not property theft (but that doesn't mean other laws weren't broken.)

Yes, see "tripwire". I was one of those assets once. South Korea's allies (US) will be immediately involved in repelling any North Korean invasion.

My Motorola Xoom has HDMI out.

I miss my Guru Meditation Errors.

The essence of Easter being a fertility celebration since before the birth of Jesus has a LOT to do with eggs, chicks, bunnies, and other baby animals. Chocolate, not so much, but name a holiday that cannot benefit from chocolate?

$150 for poor planning.

Good for Samsung. As long as Google's service is still able to work on Samsung's Android phones, they have access. I think the fear is that a monopoly iOS phone would lead to an Apple stranglehold on in-app ads. That would be bad for Google (and anyone else looking to compete in ad space, like Yahoo.) A competing

The Nexus One (I still use mine) is an HTC phone which had top-of-the-line specs for its time and still fairly good for today. HTC is not a failure by any means and hardware-wise, its Nexus One wasn't either. Where the Nexus One had issues was that it had to be bought online and not in physical stores. That was a