
Maple syrup is easy to get in the US. Golden syrup is almost non-existant. Besides... not sure that would taste good on pancakes.

This is why we have a representative government rather than a true democracy. Mob rule would have no solutions to this problem. We'd be fighting over renewables, drill-baby-drill, and nukes until the lights went out. It's not even like a "majority" of the populous votes once a year so how is the government to

For most people, the folks who deliver your TV also deliver your internet. So they have you walled in there. If they let the market decide, they turn into nothing but a data delivery utility and they lose their ability to up-charge for value added services you would otherwise get for free. This is why you see

As a Xoom owner, I am only now (ICS) able to use the SD card...and haven't needed to. I don't think most consumers would ever change it out. They'd stuff one in there and then forget about it. Resellers could just suggest the consumer buy a card with the device and be done with it.

Fat Bezel == Able to grip without fingers blocking the view.

Xoom on Eclair was "meh"... not because of the hardware but because of the base OS. I have one. It's beautiful on ICS. Same hardware, whole new experience.

True enough. However, since IPAD Ltd was a shell company formed for what appears to be the sole purpose of being able to obscure the competition question, the final decision will be up to the judge. I'm not an expert on contract law, but IPAD Ltd is essentially Apple (or Apple's agent in this transaction), so the

You can also eliminate oil, transmission fluid, radiator, and air filter changes. None of these things are needed.

I have an iPad at work and a Xoom at home. I try to use them to take notes, but I cannot type fast enough on those keyboards to keep up with meetings and still pay attention. So, I still take paper and pen because I can use quick doodles along with words to convey a lot of information quickly. If a tablet could let

Didn't they do that in the Blade III blood farms? (only to humans)

I stopped using my desktop most days and my laptop hasn't been turned on in months. My tablet is near me at all times when I'm at home. I use it constantly. However, what I use most is the browser. I could easily do with a cheaper laptop that had a good browser. Screen size matters more to me. The 10" range

Simple solution: the "cure" for aging is given to those people who agree to colonize space or other planets. Which, nicely enough, a cure for aging might actually make possible, given the time needed to travel between worlds.

If I told you that it would extend the time our most brilliant researchers can do their work to find cures for diseases, would you consider that "used to help sick people"?

Apple sells monitors. Proview sells monitors. It doesn't matter who makes them.

Apple would not have paid one penny more than it was worth to them. At least they didn't claim it was for poor starving children.

My best guess: commodity sales models have almost no profit margin. Better to "value up" your offerings and inflate those margins to something Wall Street can live with. If your clever, those features can also increase barriers to exit that discourage customers from shopping around.

Or they could quietly give a nuke to a terrorist organization and let a third party take out a major US city. They'd maintain plausible deniability.

Right, so what we're discussing here is what a fair return is on a patent used in a technical standard might be.

If your company offers a pre-tax medical spending account, you can usually use them for stuff like this. So that gets you a discount of whatever your income tax rate is. My corporate visual plan got me a discount as well. I saved a lot of cash that way.

Since they modeled a protein for binding and not the rest of the bacterium, I don't see how there could be much risk of the flesh eating action transferring as well.