
Is there more power in keeping a nuclear device close to your chest or using it? I suppose, in Iran's case, that depends on how likely you think it is their enemies will try to destroy the nuke before it can be used. The higher that likelihood, the more likely Iran would be to see it used.

Given the ease of smackdown on those beasts, it's easy to examine the wreckage for taxonomy.

I bought the AT&T version at a time when AT&T didn't sell Android phones at all. :-) It was the only way I could get an Android device without leaving AT&T.

Or they just give the material to a terrorist group and let them do whatever they want with it. Then Iran can deny being involved and still see their enemies burn.

Have you ever been bitten by one? Nasty critters. Thankfully, they are far easier to swat than house flies.

"Google has never successfully sold anything to consumers. Not a single thing."

The customer for Motorola cable boxes has never been the cable consumers. They (we) have never had a choice. The customers for cable boxes are the cable companies and they can choose to ditch Motorola/Google if they don't like the product. Since Google TV competes with their current profit model, they may be a tad

Not a fair comparison if you include television and phone bills in one but not the other. The "Western" worker can probably purchase even more rice or bananas than in your numbers. But that aside, the larger difference is the "Western" worker is not dependent on their employer for accomodations, food, (legal)

If you can offer the same service for less, you should do so. Not sure why it would take "millions" to do that, nor why Mom and Pop couldn't just copy you to stay in business.

The Senate is currently controlled by the Democrats. Your figures might be read as proving that the SOPA backers spent their money wisely by creating incentives for the politicians most likely to get them the vote they want. That would be the majority party, especially it's leadership. The chart above conforms to

Prior inductive cooktops had pre-defined areas, like burners, that would get hot. This one appears to have many small ones packed together that can dynamically arrange to form a burner based on where you set the pot. So rather than have a 5-burner stove top, you have as many burners as you have space to fit pans.

The cording used in the bracelet is parachute cord (paracord). It is designed to be unwoven from the bracelet and usually there is about 35 or so feet of it. The cord can hold 550lbs of weight (more or less). It has a lot of survival uses, but one use is the ability to cut zip ties via friction. Some of these

Mobile devices played a large role in the "Arab Spring" uprisings. Getting information to decision-makers as soon as possible in sufficient detail creates all sorts of new opportunities and is a game-changer in the way art and information is marketed, sold, and accessed. Web search plus a mobile device with a

If I remember my Nevada history correctly, it is legal in any county with fewer than 300,000 residents. Basically, that means everywhere except Washoe (Reno) and Clark (Las Vegas). The brothels are not a convenient drive out of Las Vegas as Clark county is huge, taking up the entire bottom of the state (the point

I think they understand it quite clearly. Looks like they've been paying attention to that "Arab Spring" stuff.

Mercedes has discontinued the Maybach. What will he do for wheels next year?

The important thing is whether or not the produce power at sufficient value. Unlike the wind, the sea never goes still. Have you ever heard of a day when the waves stopped crashing ashore? They move 24/7. So this is like wind turbines where the wind never stops and birds aren't killed and it doesn't ruin anyone's

I wont switch from AT&T to Verizon. I need my phone to work overseas. I bought the Nexus One direct from Google with AT&T radios. I'm hoping to be able to do that with the Galaxy Nexus. if not, I'll keep my N1 until there's another good phone I can get direct from the manufacturer and not through the carrier.

I appreciate your gentle tone but, in fact, it is not a slippery slope argument. I most certainly do not claim that preventing gay men or sexually active people from donating organs will eventually, though a series of steps, lead to black people being similarly rejected. I claim there is pretty much no steps at all

Or it simply be that Verizon is starting its own video streaming and content delivery system and is wanting to tie its electronic payment system into it.