
Really? "Anarchy and disrespect" lead to the revolution and the formation of our country. It's only "disrespect" from the perspective of the establishment. "Anarchy and Disrespect" was used to describe the civil rights movement and others as well. Apparently, that did solve something. Maybe the OWS protests will


1) Will the iPhone4 get the 4S software (Siri, etc)? If no, how is that any different?

In the 80s, that was rebranded as "Trickle-Down" and sold as a new, enlightened approach to economics.

I don't think it's been established that they were confused by their similarity. They simply may not have known which was which regardless of the obvious physical differences. One is 16x9 and the other is 4x3. If you put two 20" TVs next to each other where one was HD and the other SD and asked people which was HD,

New computing technologies often lead to centralization efforts. The issues associated with centralization drive people to decentralize the technology. The issues with decentralization lead to research into solutions and new computing technologies. Wash, rinse repeat.

Agreed. Regulation would be dictating how the service worked not requiring transparency. The information provided can help consumers make educated choices which is good in a free market system.


...And boinking an ensemble of smoking-hot babes of the female sort. People's sexual apetites are only important if they reflect societal norms. Keep history in the closet!

I looked for a setting for my Xoom to set the user agent to desktop and not mobile. Couldn't find it. (When I bought it many months ago.) Have they added it or was I looking in the wrong place? Um... and where is this elusive toggle? I'd be able to watch Hulu on my tablet if it thought it was a desktop and not

I cannot really make the move to G+, even though I really would like to. I also use Android in tablet (Xoom) and phone (Nexus One), gmail (several), Google Talk, Docs, and Chrome. So why don't I switch?

True, but misses the point. While JavaScript is not intended as a replacement for Java, Dart very well may be. "...powerful enough to scale up to massive projects." An OOPL that can run in a virtual machine and be compiled into an app while scaling up to large projects might find itself competing with Java.

Easily determined based on the frequency and cost of Hurricanes in Florida vs Earthquakes in California. Note also that the destructive zone of a Hurricane is often quite larger than that of an earthquake.

Smoking is legal in Florida in most places. It was only in the last few years you could no longer smoke in restaurants. However, you can smoke in bars all you want. If a bar serves food, there is some calculation that says when/if you can smoke. Usually it's after 10pm when the kitchen closes.


Google gave several patents to HTC recently to help in their legal battles over using Android.

You can also get Evernote from the Amazon app store, which could hold character sheets and such.

I find myself using the GPS more when I travel with my Xoom as it is useful in finding things I want to get to or suggesting what is nearby. I've only used the camera once to just check it out, although now that I am discovering the joys of Evernote, I might use the rear camera more for "scanning" purposes. 3G...

I have a wifi Xoom at home and an iPad2 at work. The Xoom's widescreen shape makes it easier to hold in landscape mode, where I pretty much keep it. On trips, it gets good reception in hotels and tethers very nicely to my phone. It has a raw Android interface, which I think is a plus. It's not so thick or heavy