
The Fire is Android, which means it will extend the ecosystem and community. More opportunity for developers to sell apps means more apps for all of Android. (Nevermind Amazon's shady app give-aways)

Read it. It basically says "shut up, you do it too!" Well, two wrongs don't make a right.

I wish my pool was this big. Ours was put in by a former owner who did a lot of laps. It's just too darned big for how we use it. I want a pool I can relax in, not exercise. Sadly, keeping that huge thing clean IS exercise—and lots of chemicals, and cash.

That tackiness is entirely cultural and does more good for the online distributors/streamers than it does for their customers. Keeping rates (and wages) secret makes it easier to charge more fees and pay lower wages. If everyone knew what everyone else was getting, fees would decrease and wages would increase. The

Ever wonder why most mid-sized 4-door sedans look like a Camry? Same thing. The specifications for a thin and light notebook "Ultrabook" drive design similarities. Aluminum casing? Reduces the need for large fans or other bulky heat sinks. Chicklet keyboards are thinner. Eliminating optical drives and old port

I respectfully disagree.

My limited understanding is that bulk mail gets a discount based on economies of scale and also because they have to pre-sort the mail such that it saves the post office having to do that work. It is also not generally treated as first class. Our print/mail provider bulk mails for us to our membership and we are

Google doesn't sell Android. This means Apple cannot sue Google directly so it sues HTC, which does sell Android on its devices. As pointed out earlier, Google cannot counter-sue Apple because Apple isn't suing Google. But Google stands to lose if Android is killed by Apple, so Google is protecting its access to an

As someone who sits on the board for a not-for-profit, I can tell you that we pay the same rate as anyone else. I'm pretty darned sure politicians also pay since you see mailing expenses on their budgets all the time. Most printing services will print, label, sort, and mail your items for a reasonable fee anyway.

This will spur Netflix into creating/funding/purchasing its own content.

"Unions don't protect jobs here in America anymore."

I think it is nearly 100% certain that Republicans will select a nominee that is anti-science for the 2012 elections. Michelle Bachmann is not that far off from the other candidates, who are all stumbling over themselves to sign pledges ranging from anti-Federalism constitutional amendments (marriage) to teaching

Blackberry has been making smartphones for quite some time, despite how ugly they were. Then there was the Palm Treos.

++ on that.

Doesn't Best Buy own Napster? Why aren't these two things connected? I can purchase music on Amazon and move it to my cloud storage... why not Napster and the new Best Buy Cloud thingy? Very strange that they rolled this out as a separate service.

One of my gaming co-workers had their credit card data exposed from the Sony hack. His bank notified him when fraudulent charges were made against it. He's just one in 6.5 billion too.

"Blackberry isn't dying, its demographic is just changing majorly."

Is this the"Down With Drag Queens" rule?

It tastes like dirt?