Shawn Burt

Overall, Mary Ann seems the better catch, but when Ginger would use that sexy whisper, I got feelings that were only understood in adolescence.
And of course Dawn Wells and Bob smoked weed. Would you expect a real life Shaggy to turn down EVERY joint ever offerred to him? Especially Mr. Denver, the Maynard G Krebs fans

I enjoyed Mitchell's observation that Cam's fingers indicated he actually did have a plan. It's a couples moment I don't see enough of from them (for my tastes). And his observation that they needed no process changes when solving drama for gay men or high school girls. Forget the exact quote, but I laughed out loud

I keep imagining Mike's response to this whole issue. And Sue's constant need for very clear approval would play well to an abuser's mindf**k

Candian or town too far away to confirm (pre interwebs) girlfriends have been around since before I was dating, and I'm old.