
Hahahaha “oh you went and found all of us? Think I give a shit? Actually, wait a minute.....Here, here’s your reward you little apple polisher, hope it’s your size, now get out of my kabuki-masked face, I gotta stand here looking akward now that you’ve found me.”

Excellent review, I enjoyed the boss fights so far, and I will be replaying this again as soon as I finish it. It’s been too long for a horror game this good to finally come out.

Lost Odyssey was my FF for the last generation, I remember the opening scene where you barely avoid getting your head chopped off then it goes right in to battle, I lost my shit, freaking awesome

I’m skipping it and I won’t be drawn in by the zombies, treyarch always gets my money since cod3, though all cod are the same, find something, save someone, dramatic event happens, big explosion, plot twist, new guns and gadgets. Meh. Oh and me getting annihilated in multiplayer to where there’s barely any fun it in.

Wow I wonder what will happen!

“are there still consoles in stock?”

I’m personally holding out for a warhol-inspired fahey version

I’ve never watched or played any of this and now I need to, damn I love Japanese culture

The ps3 was advertised with the batarang controller

So it’s basically a Wii u controller with detachable sides. Looks cool but It’s huge and doesn’t look like it’s protected by anything at all so if my 7 year old drops this once it’s broke, unless they make some gaudy protector to go on it that will make it bulky AF. The controllers look really small,my hands will be

Finally, I can’t wait. I’m not a Nintendo fanboy by any means, I appreciate all the consoles that come out, however, Nintendo has always been ahead of the curve as far as innovation goes when it comes to new ways to interact/play games.

Damn, these new FREE modes and characters make me love blizzard more and more

Bwahahahaha fuck yo collectibles

Hey play with me then we won’t be strangers! We can be fwens!!!

Going over every inch of a game to find shit.

Exactly, I spent too much time in I am setsuna and saw I was destroying everything without maxing out every character so I said that’ll do and finished the game and saved some time I would’ve wasted, plus the ending was BULLSHIT

I haven’t played this yet but didn’t revan eventually show up? That’s what I’m all about

Is this demo still available? I was trying to download it from earlier when I turned off my ps4 but it keeps saying there is a problem so I checked the store and it’s nowhere on there and I have 50 gigs free so that’s not the issue