Shawn Barney

@Tommy Five: I know what you mean regarding the physical keyboard. I love having to never look at my keyboard and just typing away.

Jason you make a good point about all of this. In Canada, besides a few mom n pop stores I can only think of Blockbuster as a rental company. Sure Rogers Plus is here, but both Rogers stores closed down here in my city months ago. If Blockbuster goes I'll be sad for the same reason you mentioned: I have a nice home

Haha I knew Peter Nowak's name sounds familiar! I used to read his Tech Blog on CBC back when I was working for the government as a student.

So I just finished both campaigns for Transformers War for Cybertron. Is it just me, or was the Autobot campaign much tougher than the Decepticon? I don't ever remember going up against two tanks and three machine gun carrying Autobots at once...

@maybeimamazed02: I KNOW! They may be playing in Montreal, about two hours away. But I don't think I'll be there in time. NOOOO!!! :(

@mahmahmahpokerface: Yeah, I know. I remember my mom was so excited to rent The Bounty Hunter, and I kinda told her it wasn't gunna be all that great. And sure enough, my expectations were met.

@mahmahmahpokerface: But is it alright to see it for Jason Bateman? And c'mon! Jeff Goldblum...

@mandabear: Two songs ring at the top of my head: 'Hot Mess' by Sam Sparro and 'Destination Vertical' by Masha Qrella.

@heartsrevolution: True! However, I need to tone down the craziness at first. When my friends compare to me to a strung out meth addict by how crazy I get, I'm not entirely sure tha'ts the attitude I should be on during a first date.

@azure8011: Yeah, it just seems to be a way for him to act superior to everyone else... Suddenly I am reminded of a scene from 'High Fidelity.' It is really quite fitting for the scenario.

@LucianaMarigny: Actually something that doesn't sound right is alfalfa. Try it out; you know it to be true.

@skullywack: *huggles* Damn those Irish boys and girls with the Irish burr... I knew a girl who looked like Keira Knightley, but had the Irish accent. And this was just when the first Pirates came out.

Saw the Vampire Weekend on SNL, and that has cheered me up a bit. Makes me want to figure out what 'giving up the gun' means... Yeah I am a tool.

@heartsrevolution: Sad thing is that statistically, there are other people in the world who are doing the exact same things.

@LionAndUnicorn: ... So... he burned himself then? Yeah, sadly, I read the book but I have yet to see the film.

Now playing

So I leave TBay in a few weeks for a job in Ottawa, and my friends decided to take me out to the bar to have a few drinks. Let it be known that even though I am 23 and don't go to bars, I was okay with it and said lets doooo it.

As a Canadian, lemmie just clarify:

My God... Like really, who talks like that in real life? Kinda makes you wonder what he's like while eating.

I think it would be most interesting if Infinite was related to the BioShock story line...

Props to Giz for having a meet-up in Thunder Bay. How did you decide the locations for the meet-up?