Shawn Barney

I just noticed History of Violence is on CBC. I am conflicted.

The father and daughter skit is kinda cute. My sister is kinda like that, but not to the extreme. We were at a wedding reception tonight and my sister wanted mom to walk with her to the bar to get a Coke. It's cute, sometimes. Though they never listen to Santana B-Sides.

@GirlLibrarian: My favourite is Sergio... C'mon, sax and hair and SERGIO just always works

@Definer-not-defined: Yes, sometimes I think he works better in inprov, something like 'Whose Line is it Anyways?' I miss that show.

@centrechick: We're sorry!! But if it helps it isn't like we'll purchase anything!

I think Andy Sandburg is better in the Digital Shorts than in the skits... He seems to work better in those environments

@world's end girlfriend: I don't know what you mean as being lame! It was a pretty awesome cover, it wasn't the greatest quality but the idea of using a cello to perform the song was unique!

@Rah_power: Just look into those blue, blue eyes and remember, this was the best Jack Ryan ever.

Would it be wrong if I really hope Tom Petty sings 'American Girl'? I just love the intro... *hums the first few bars*

@bakagaijin: The future is a beautiful place my boy!

I really hate the fact that I need to change my hairstyle because of this damn kid. I like long bangs and a tad more hair on my head. DAMNIT I'M A BIEBER FOLLOWER SOMEHOW. I'll just have to grow it to the Sawyer look, or Jack.

Can't wait to play this on my PS3; where developers will probably languish in Hell and deliver a game that freezes every 20 seconds, will look piss-poor compared to the 360, and will drive me insane.

@alula: Is this going back to the recent article about penises?! Seriously all this talk makes me feel diminished...

I'm currently watching Leap Year, and honestly its kinda meh but I love Amy Adams. She won my heart in Enchanted. So cute and cuddly. And I want Dempsey's Hair.

I wonder how many skits she will be in. Fey and White FTW. Also, wouldn't it be funny if she dances to a electronic song. I have 'Black and Gold' in my head with Betty totally dropping the beat down

@lodown: So... I should be paranoid then right about now, right?

It's an interesting idea, especially with Pete. I've been in that place may times (and I won't be the first, nor last) but I find his coping mechanism creepy. Theres been alot of girls I was going to ask out after awhile but then find out that the lady has someone or is currently seeking someone else. Rather than be a