
BJs and Leafs games are basically 100% attended by white folks, about 60% of whom voted for Ford. I wore my Karlsson jersey to a Sens/Leafs preseason game a few years back and was pelted with more homophobic slurs than you would think possible in a city with one of the largest pride celebrations on the planet, but

now that this terrible summer is mercifully over, can we agree that summer (at least in the northeastern part of this continent (aka the only part that matters) is kinda shit?

(i say this as someone without AC in their apartment and a tendency to sweat the second i put my bike helmet on)

if i was a better bettor, i’d find some site that’s willing to put a line on TV ratings for this nonsense and take the under.

don’t eat anywhere near the arena, unless you’re getting street meat. overpriced douchebaggery as far as the eye can see.

Or, like, throwing 562 of them in a food processor for bad ideas.

How great would this be as half-time entertainment? Kinda like the half-court free throw deal, but get a drunken (read: any) fan to try and juke through 11 blue jackets from the 20 to the endzone.

aw, man, reading this brought me back to three glorious years on the coast, makin’ eggs n bacon, wakin’ n bakin’, and aggressively chilling over hop-heavy craft brews till the end of SNF. never was i happier to embody a region’s stereotypes so fully.

*sees all the columbine shooting references already made* uhh, this will make for, uhh..., decent documentary fodder for michael moore some day?

torontonians will somehow become even MORE self-satisfied than now if AubRih actually comes to fruition. with the exchange rate, it’ll be even bigger than bey + jay.

this is just about the only thought that’s keeping my lady friend and I from finding the closest bridge and plunging to a lovers’ death.

favourite non-simpsons 90s/early 00s animated show?

hey, but the skytrain and sea-to-sky highway are pretty dope

There’s no good answer besides cancelling them forever, but listing things is fun! 5 rings, 5 cities for each summer/winter. Africa gets the short stick here, but what else is new. I suppose Sydney and Joburg or Cape Town could alternate just to take the wind out of Australia’s perpetually fully blown sails.

tl;dr: your favorite team is stupid and will be worse this year

to be fair, there probably isn’t a ruler long enough to measure it.

when i’m at work (like right now) i waste most of my down time on deadspin/the broader gawker empire. where do you waste your down time, as reading deadspin etc would probably be considered “work”?

yeah, i’m 30 and there’s still no way in hell that i’m forking over 45-50 Canadian dollars for a six pack of not-terrible beer and a 26 of the not-cheapest whiskey at the LCBO for someone else’s party. if i’m feeling especially generous i’ll bring a bottle of whiskey to a party for sharing but otherwise, i might as

...and line outs, and stricter tackling rules, and no blocking, and scrums and a bunch of other stuff i forget from my high school playing days, but as far as actually following the general pace of the game goes, anyone who’s ever committed serious time to the nfl should be able to figure out the gist of rugby w/

Serpentine Fire an inspired, slightly left field EW&F choice, Burneko. It also has the SINGLE GREATEST GROOVE SWITCH of all time (intro into the first verse, sadly not present in the above video). Hot damn.

i didn’t get my then-gf now-wife an engagement ring cuz we talked about getting married like adults, decided we should do it, then got married two months later in a small-ass ceremony cuz we were basically broke. most diamonds are tacky as shit, anyhow. marriage—it’s not just for your gaudy rich friends anymore!