shaved ape

If it was a scene from a 2011 Seth Rogan stoner time travel comedy everyone would call the writer a hack.

I didn’t really miss Ehrlich last ep, maybe because I was just excited to have the show back, but this ep was really bad and I’m wondering if it was just missing TJ Miller or if it was just a bad ep in its own right. There was almost nothing funny in the entire episode and it was pretty much a paint by numbers.

^This. Andy Daly was funny (Andy Daly is always funny), but funny in a way that really belongs in a different show. Along with Jian-Yang’s antics. They simply don’t act ANYTHING like a normal person would. The show has gotten very broad after Miller’s departure. Which is weird, considering that he was one of, if

I really appreciate Sarah Silverman and how she’s attempting to take nuanced examinations of things. People are complex and often contradictory in their actions. And I appreciate her airing her thought process out loud.

You might know my work from that message that correctly popped up on your Wii game that told you to re-insert the disk. That was 3 days of debugging to figure out why it wasn’t working when a tester hit the eject button with his nose while holding down all the buttons on the nunchuck and wiimote. (Fuckin’ tester.)

Good. The Richard Spencer/Charles Murray/Breitbart type of racist wants desperately to be cool. Their entire modus operandi is trying to rebrand the image of “racist” from toothless hick into cool pop culture leader. (These guys are all either failed comics, screenwriters, or academics). They want to be Stephen

Osama’s Bin Files Laden With Porn

The last game of Civ V I played, I decided to go for a culture victory since all of my previous plays were conquest-style. I was doing great at pacifism until Mongolia attacked me for some reason. Little did they know that despite my pacifism I had been stockpiling bombers, so I quickly wiped them off the map in just

This technically wasn’t playing the game wrong, but every time I killed someone in Morrowind, I’d steal their pants. I was kind of hoping that after a while I’d overhear some NPCs talking about a serial killer who steals his victim’s pants.

I saw it at a film festival (Zürich), and most people seemed to like it, so I suppose you’re right. On the other hand, most of jokes at expense of the modern art scene were not very sophisticated or specific.

It’s important to me that people understand that when something happens to you, you feel dirty, you feel bad. I only told a few people before my friend (who I’ve known my whole life) came forward. We had never discussed it ever, but when a mutual friend called me one day saying he needed to talk to me, I just knew. I

Gross generalization incoming: some of the very personality traits that are helpful in amassing a fortune and climbing to the top of an industry heap ... are much less helpful in wearing one’s success lightly, or in limiting its use to innocuous ends.

I saw them play a show in North Carolina years ago--maybe the Boxer tour?--and my friend and I were talking between songs about how incredible the drummer was. The older couple behind us then interjected to thank us for the kind words—they were his parents. 

Nah, the Clinto letter just read, “Thank Christ you beat that tangerine fuckbag.”

So GRRM gives them the outline that includes the major memories Sean mentions above that he will remember for years and they all have to take place in this season.