Shaun Rutherford

Let It Be is on VHS.

Gaaaaaaaad dammit, I'm better than this. I thought I had caught them, but now I'm just like the writer who said in their fact check article that Diane Keaton's poodle haircut was in Annie Hall when they meant Manhattan. Deepest apologies. [finds room, begins secret cutting]

What makes Justified great is that you'll want to watch spinoffs about literally every character (OK, maybe not Ava).

I should probably check with the Fact Checkers first, but I don't believe "Kiss From A Rose" had been released officially at the time of her first hair change. They get the thumbs-up for the Portishead, though. EDIT - see below. I am wrong.

I mean, sure, I'll clap for this.

Haha I had the same issue with that.

MOUTH: You're ruining my joke!

I love that Joel McHale's TV show is all pixellated, as if even the TV signals are sick.

I just have to say, I love her voice.

Yeah, I'll totally do a picture or two during the show, just so I can show off to all my friends who clearly did not care enough to even come with me in the first place, but the only way to get an in-focus picture with an iPhone is to just record 10 seconds of video and try to find a still frame to grab. So yeah,

I was there as well. Good for us. This woman was Googling during one of his extended solos. Like, the whole solo was her Googling.

Richard Masur is a treasure. I'm so glad he's being recognized again.

That's cold. And also the wrong genre…

Aside from Connery, for obvious reasons, he was the best casting in Rising Sun.

I don't know why, but this is the funniest thing I've read all morning.

Danson, like Selleck on those episodes of Rockford, is so clearly a star when you see him in Body Heat.


Selleck is so great on The Rockford Files that it had to be painfully obvious to everyone watching that he was going to be a gigantic star. Hell, he's even great in Coma, and he's dead or unconscious more than he's alive in it!

Hilarious, considering JFK is considered one of the best-edited movies of all time. Just don't watch the (terrible) director's cut.…

The "Say Say Say" remix is actually really interesting, as it gives Michael Jackson the lead vocal. More interesting than other new remixes, but of course, it's not going to supplant the original.