Shaun Rutherford

David Patrick Kelly: "The fuck did I do?"

I've warmed to the album version in recent years, but the "Murderer" vocal has always made me uneasy. I didn't see the documentary until after the album came out, but it definitely reinforced the feeling the recordings gave me. Seeing Alan in that state in the documentary kinda freaked me out.

That Murderer EP is like the last gasp of "that" Low, so I don't see those songs as demos at all. "Silver Rider" would be opened up in widescreen for The Great Destroyer, but the newer "Murderer" on Drums & Guns sounded like Sparhawk's psychological problems had really hit hard. The EP version was gentler, and the

Ooh, let me! I've been nuts about them since Long Division, so I feel as though this grants me some sort of power as far as rankings go:

Yeah, he calls it a "harmonaboard" and I refuse to call it that. The Keytar of the mouth. I'm not trying to be dismissive of his talent or anything, but last night, he came across like a parody of the uber-hip bandleader and I was like, "Trying way too hard."

Yeah, it took a while for Conan to realize the comedic potential of Max, right? This guy seems happy as hell, that's for sure.

Yeah, Jesus Christ, he'll shoehorn his way into anything.

"reminded me of _a_ second season" meaning a hypothetical second season, in which they would have desperately retooled to grab the "youths" of today.

I'm surprised everyone seemed to be cool with the bandleader. I remember everybody hating Andy on Conan for a long time before either he or we "got" it, but my kneejerk reaction to the bandleader at the open was that it reminded me of a second season of The Chevy Chase Show. I don't know what it was, maybe the

She gets more into the actual conversations after that call, and the one with the "British" guy does actually get kinda funny. Dammit, Hottest Baby Names of 2016, I accept your recommendation after all.

I took your recommendation and started listening to this episode. I don't know why it's so funny, personally. She calls a phone sex line and is put off by all the sex talk? I'm at the guy with the foot fetish, and it's beyond creepy, but made even worse by her reaction to everything. Maybe I just have Bill Hader's

Ha, I figured I'd get shit from someone about that.

Yeah, she didn't do much for me until Gone Girl.

Still. I saw her face and immediately was like, David Tennant noooo do not trust her!

I don't know if this is bad for her or good because she created what is arguably a now-iconic role, but I can't see her as anything but Gone Girl now.

Loser! You are a loser!

Yeah, this should be noted. "Get your goat" could be argued, but still looks irksome…

Noah Wyle should have played Steve Jobs forever. He was great.


It's probably the fact that he tried to steal Pam away from Jim. What the fuck, who does that?? I liked this guy when he was in commercials, but between him being involved in The Office's freefall and The Three Stooges movie, I can't stand to look at his face.