Shaun Rutherford

Silverado was 1985, Will!

This season's making me WANT to watch that horrible Season 4. It just looks like the actors are all very tired and contractually obligated to be there. Except Ken Jeong, but he's the WORST on this.

I really hate that I'm completely disappointed by this season. This is worse than the gas leak year.

Huge kudos for talking to him about Ed Harcourt. Didn't expect such a lengthy Q&A about that aspect of Whaley's films. Good work. Hopefully some kind of soundtrack comes out of this whole thing.

You know far too much about this information.

Yeah, I both love and hate how his character has morphed. He was hilarious AND terrifying in those early appearances.

I think it's more that the director liked working with him on Godzilla than a clean break. Desplat's specialty is most everything EXCEPT action music, but JW and Desplat share an orchestrator (Conrad Pope), so it'll probably end up in the same realm anyway. I don't think any of us expected Williams to work on every

I was talking about the quality of his music growing stale, and Hagio's only seen his earlier work, so he has no frame of reference as far as Giacchino's music goes. I totally get that they could say similar things about Williams, that all his music sounds the same at this point, and I'm not going to argue that

Ehhhh, I dunno, man. I definitely agree that people see John Williams on a ballot and immediately give him a nomination, but at the same time, of his nominated scores, most are pretty justified.

But the fact that you haven't seen any of the other movies he's done in the past 6 years invalidates your argument, doesn't it? That's what I'm saying. He's shown us all he can do musically by now. Giacchino will have three scores coming out within a month starting in May, so we'll see how that goes, I guess. I

Well, the closing credits were just an arrangement of the old TV show theme by Alexander Courage (arranging is probably Giacchino's strength, which is likely why he keeps joining projects that have memorable, but pre-existing themes). I do like "Enterprising Young Men," despite it sounding at times like a Tony Awards

It's an amazing score.


Williams has been nominated a million times since, but he hasn't won since Schindler's List, and before that, it was E.T.

He's the closest thing we have to Williams because he uses orchestras, too? Giacchino's musical vocabulary is extremely limited, as evidenced by the the fact that he's seemingly run out of things to say just a few years into his film career.

He was the worst on 24, but Rubicon was great (until they shitcanned the creator and the show ground to a halt).

The best part was the throwaway bit about "This is tutteleh gonna be in The Bible."

You're thinking of Robert Wagner, Colonel.

Oh my God, how many fucking pages is this going to be? And will the text of each preceding page disappear with every turn, so you can't go back and say, "Wait a minute, that didn't make any fucking sense."

Negative points for mentioning Crash, but bonus points for mentioning Grand Canyon.