Shaun Goater

Oh good grief! How could I forget Theodore Roosevelt! The most alpha male in all history. Never remotely even looked at a woman other than his wives. (His first died tragically at a young age. Second was a childhood sweetheart.)

George Washington, by all accounts, as well. Hamilton may have actually cheated with only one person, but was otherwise extremely devoted to his wife and children.

Those WWII generals sure were a randy bunch, apparently. Did not know that about Bradley. James Galvin (82nd Airborne IIRC) had a steamy thing going with Hemingway's famous paramour Gellhorn. (Whose first name I cannot remember for some reason.)

Agreed, Beema, as to most of this other than the singer's voice. Which works absolutely not at all for me.

The "writing" passages we've seen from Noah's book are some of the most unintentionally funny things on TV right now.

More absurdly attractive women throwing themselves at Noah? Now as successful author? Or in season 1 as married high school teacher on admin leave and with catastrophic home life?

I expected him to take out his service weapon and take a shot at an empty Jamieson bottle

I will refrain from pretending to find her attractive. So says "lonely voice in the wilderness."

Extra douchebag authenticity points for having Max wear what appears to be an apple watch (but slight deduction for it not being the $10,000 one.)