2 years? Try over 25. This is literally the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a video game release in my entire life and I had actual expectations for LawBreakers.
Anthem: You wanna be Iron man without the badass energy guns? No? Well f*CK you.
It’s only been six months? Bioware managed to cram in a solid two years of disappointment in six months. That’s efficiency in game design right there.
what you are saying is you hated the box art so you never played the game
Here’s hoping Amofah is found alive and well—and gets the help he needs. It’s not looking good, and dragging that kind of body of water for one person is very much the epitome of needle-in-a-haystack work, but until his whereabouts are confirmed one way or another, all anyone can do is hope he set his stuff down and…
This is true. But even with with these issues, its still better than the the trash that is Fortnite.
I have no idea whether the cancelation is good news or bad news, but it bums me out as a StarCraft fan - what this means is that AFAIK there’s nothing StarCraft-related in development right now. Hopefully the Warcraft 3 remake sells gangbusters and convinces Blizzard that RTS games are worth supporting again.
Snakes and Ladders?
You mean like homo sapiens, homo erectus? THats messed up man, better get on twitter and let the world know you won’t stand for the latin word meaning “man” you uneducated idiot.
I’m sorry man but @Jason Schreier wrote an expose. He wasn’t in it to tear anyone down. I bet he is super disappointed that he even had to write the story.
My guess is because its player base is down 40%. :p
Just switched to the Switch from my Vita literally yesterday for the same reason. Not sure I’m going to sell it yet, but I’m basically done with it.
The owner of the show’s operating company, Shaun Lord, told The Guardianthat “he had given a refund to everyone who had asked”, and that he’s “dealing with people on an individual basis”.
I could really go for a straightforward battle Royale game. You got guns and maybe medkits and that’s it. It sometimes feels like these games go too crazy with gun attachments, shields, and whatever. I’d like a Baby’s First Battle Royale where it’s just “pick up a gun and shoot people.’
You guys are basic as fuck. Foldgers is literal bottom shelf shit.
You guys are basic as fuck. Foldgers is literal bottom shelf shit.
The hunter needs a music box...makes the fight a little easier.
So long. Thanks for all the fish.