
I agree with you, but what surprised me (and yet didn't, actually) was how so many people watching the show lost their shit after that episode with "What the hell was THAT?!? That's not the Twin Peaks I tuned in to watch! That was just a lot of Lynch-fanboy wank!!!" For every ten people singing praises over how

That burger is confounding me. What is that white goop coming out from between the (I think) onion rings? Wait…you know what? NOPE. I just don't wanna know.

It's ridiculous that people are complaining about Sansa in this episode. Why would anyone believe she knew that Baelish was bringing the Knights of the Vale to the battle the night before the battle started? She had obviously not received confirmation that he was bringing help after she sent her message, and

Phew!  That was a close call!  I was really concerned that parents would actually be forced to start educating their children in self-respect and personal values.  Thank goodness Disney stepped in and came to their senses!  Now people can continue to let mass media raise and teach their children about self-worth.