
"I particularly love when people worry about a change in "American values" like all of our values are so damn peachy in the first place." This. THIS! This is my rallying cry when idiots around me start getting getting sentimental for the "good old days" which really never were (for most people).

doing my part! White guy here, married an asian lady. Got two kids that are perfectly suited for the non-white future.

As a white kid who has some small experience being a racial minority: GOOD.

Badly. White men, collectively, will not cope well.

I actually kind of hate this argument because I think it grants far too much self awareness to the people who hold these views. They don't think POCs are going to get them out of revenge for years of horrible treatment. They think POCs are going to get them because at heart they're all barbaric savages jealous of the

The quiverfull movement is doing their damnedest to pick up the pace. As if they weren't bad enough for just wanting their wives pregnant all the damn time.

I'll just leave this here:

Because the people who feel threatened by this are really fucking stupid?

While many elderly people are racist, I think it's quite possible that young white people, even those who see themselves as non racist, will start behaving in unexpected ways—or rather, expected ways, based on the breathtaking self interest than animates white people.

I don't know why white people should feel that their privilege is threatened. Women are a numerical majority and it hasn't ended patriarchy.

White people don't want to not be the majority because they're afraid that they will be treated the way they've been treating the rest of us for centuries.

We (white people) are just afraid that, once we aren't the majority, we'll start to be treated the way we've been treating minorities all these years.

That thought terrifies us.

It's kind of delicious.

Seriously, I wonder who established that precedent...

But, luckily, many of the racist white people are too old to breed.

Pretty much how the Anglo-Saxon population felt when all the Irish, Germans, Russians, Italians, etc. started dominating in number.

Don't feed the trolls everyone. If you see something, just dismiss it, and leave it alone, even if you agree or disagree with others' responses to it.

I suspect the people who have issues with non-whites having a majority are the ones afraid of what their real views on non-whites are being discovered and what will happen to them once they are the minority. I suppose re-evaluating their views and trying to not be racist is out of the question. But what they also fail

The reason I can't stand most romantic comedies is because I can't bear to watch yet ANOTHER white woman have mishaps and japes as she bumbles away to a happy ending. Black people meet cute, have silly misunderstandings, endure mixed messages and meddling friends, all before they reach their happily ever after. Please

God that would be hot. What sucks is I fear that we still live in a world where a movie starring Cameron Diaz and Ryan Gosling would be called a "romantic comedy," while the exact same movie starring Kerry Washington and Jesse Williams would be called a "black movie."