With Steve Harvey's attitude towards women, he's probably the last person on earth who should be a "mentor" to teenage boys.
With Steve Harvey's attitude towards women, he's probably the last person on earth who should be a "mentor" to teenage boys.
How am I not surprised. My roommate loved Family Guy, and would always be watching reruns after work. I called it the Rape Joke Show, because it seemed to me like the show couldn't go 3 minutes without making a rape joke. My roomie claimed that I somehow invoked the rape jokes, (which would be a really weird super…
4chan holds Emma in high esteem, and while most of us would fap like crazy to real nudes, it's not us hacking the cloud.
I love love love people who use "SJW" as an insult. Because, really, what could be worse that caring about social justice and actually trying to do something about it?
The fact that the denizens of 4chan seriously believe that the freakin' NSA would dedicate their time and resources to framing 4chan re: an actresses' leaked nudes wildly amuses me. Such importance.
I always imagine people who rail against SJW as people that are upset that others are pointing out uncomfortable truths about their lives. (i.e. straight white boys who resent being told that they maybe kind of have it easier than women and minorities as a group)
My partner and I discussed this yesterday evening, and concluded that 4chan users are the icky slimy anal mucosa of the internet (we started at butts, but I really like his and also Jamie's from Outlander, so I felt the need to defend butts), so I don't care either way, because apparently anal mucosa is a thing some…
I had already been married for a couple of years when they announced they were filming the first Harry Potter. I am ancient. Please vacate my lawn.
"Oh we like Emma, so we wouldn't do that to her. But that Sarkeesian b^&ch? We want her dead."
Saying something was "released by 4Chan" is like saying a youtube video was "released by Google". They are a medium and server for the information provided by some random user.
Better to say "hosted by 4chan"
"We don't hate you like we hate the SJW's"
4Chan: SJW's for some causes, like unmasking people they deem worthy of the effort, but not for icky shit like feminism!
Seriously? That was my point. As a white woman I don't deal with racism, just sexism. A lot of the stereotypes in this article are rooted in sexism, so all women face them. Then you add on the racism such as being "an angry black woman". I was acknowledging that it was different and it sucks. You dont need to tell me…
I was STARING at Viola Davis's picture up there wondering in what way she is not beautiful. Light skinned is pretty much the only metric here.
i like how it was all just like WHY CANT YOU WRITE NICE BLACK LADIES WHO ARE NICE????? YOU MUST NOT BE NICE. like who are you, a five year old?
"Ms. Rhimes chose a performer who is older, darker-skinned and less classically beautiful than Ms. Washington, or for that matter Halle Berry."
Lord. Does this woman even watch these shows?
The best thing about Shonda is that her characters, all of them, are so deeply human. Shonda isn't reinventing the black woman, she's showing them as they actually are, for the first time. Black women are complex and vulnerable. All women are. Shonda has done so much for…
The only person who is angry, ALL THE TIME, is Mellie. Who is white. Super duper white.
Black women aren't allowed to be upset or vulnerable — they're just angry. Black women are not allowed justifiable reactions to the myriad of bullshit — racist, sexist and otherwise — that they face. Oh, you know those black ladies are just so angry all the time.
Solid strategy: stop reading the second you find something to be bothered about. If you keep reading then the rest of the paragraph might fix the problem, and you won't be able to feel put upon and make it about you.