Kit the Cat

My friend had a shared playlist with her shitty boyfriend and when they broke up he started adding really pointed and aggressive songs to the playlist until she finally deleted the playlist altogether. He was also harassing her on other social media platforms, but Spotify was the only one she couldn’t block him on. 

Claire McCaskill is actually pro-choice, like pretty damn loudly so. If you want to target a democratic woman, I would suggest Heidi Heitkamp. 

Friendly reminder that ICE was established in 2003. The Simpsons is almost twice as old as this “bonafide law enforcement agency.” It is not good, it is not necessary, and we functioned without it for 227 years. Abolish ICE.

New York has one of the strongest teacher’s unions in the country (quite possibly one of the strongest unions in the country period) so this actually is surprising. In the public schools in NYC the salary range goes up to almost $90K (the starting salary is about $60K I think with a masters) and they get health

I came down here to post about the Harriet Tubman statue in Harlem. I hate to be the “um actually” person because I think there’s a really salient point to be made about the lack of recognition historical women get but it also seems wrong to totally ignore the few women whose accomplishments have been memorialized in

If anyone is feeling really nostalgic, the entire series from the original 1980s Jr High onwards is on the official Degrassi youtube page for free!!

I’m so excited for this to come back, and am hopeful from the trailer that they might dive more into the stories of some of the other women than they did last season.

This article was written in 1987. It would be insane to say that the plight of +women in 2018 is the same as +men in 1981, but considerably less so of +women in 1987.

I’m also a bi woman in a straight presenting relationship, and the way I deal with it is to go to events like pride with my queer friends while leaving my straight, cis partner at home. Your sexual orientation and sexual history aren’t anyones business and pride is as much ours as it is theirs.

I know Leslie Van Houten’s lawyers argued for diminished responsibility during her retrials which, had they been successful, would have amounted to a manslaughter conviction rather than a murder conviction. I’m not sure if there’s a comparable downgrade for sex trafficking.

holy moly that’s a bigger image than I meant to post

Counterpoint: popsicles are delicious and the fact that they’re sticky is half the nostalgic fun.

Oh yeah, totally! Sorry I didn’t mean to imply that Dahl being an awful person was okay, just that I have less concern about boycotting someone who has been dead for nearly 30 years - It’s the same way I feel about Charlie Chaplin.

Oh, yeah. Roald Dahl was a world renowned asshole but he’s been dead since before I was born so I don’t feel bad consuming his work. I don’t doubt that he was an anti-semite but he pretty famously hated the movie because they brought in another writer (David Seltzer) against Dahl’s wishes who made the movie more

Wait what’s wrong with Willy Wonka?!

I’ve known enough assholes whose favorite writer is DFW that its now an instant red flag for me. I didn’t know about Karr but I’m definitely not surprised.

Corker isn’t running, the seat is open because he’s retiring. He just won’t endorse Blackburn and has been making nice with Bredesen, the Democrat.

Hey now, John Quincy Adams would like a stern word with you about this suggestion! He was an above average president who negotiated our northern boarder with Canada!