Kit the Cat

This show romanticizes suicide. Fuck this show.

I got really excited about the idea of an Elvis Costello/ABBA concert and I’m mad that it was just the set up for a joke!!!

I’m not sure it’s worth regretting. I really enjoyed it when I was 15 and wanted to be a Manic Pixie Girl (tm) but I looked back about 5 years later and was pretty disgusted at how male-gazey it is. The entire plot is that a bunch of adult men never got over their obsession with a bunch of emotionally abused dead

He was elected the first time because people liked his father and the second time because New York is the most corrupt state in the country and no one leaves office unless they’re arrested or term limited (and sometimes not even then).

Because the cultural obsession with monogamy is about sexual monogamy. We already do outsource a lot of the other stuff to friends and family. My boyfriend and I have really different taste in movies so when I wanna watch Miss Congeniality for the umpteenth time I cozy up with my roommate and that’s totally acceptable

Thanks so much for the info!!

My second interview is on Tuesday. I think I have a good shot, my first interview went really well but I’m definitely nervous about the 70 hours a week thing.  

That’s where I’m interviewing with too!

If you don’t mind me asking, what org is the position with? I’m on the second round of interviews for a canvass director job, too!

I don’t know that it’s fair to call Rory entitled for wanting her friend back, that seems like a pretty normal desire. I know he’s not technically a Gilmore, but clearly Jackson is the most entitled person in this episode for deciding that avoiding a fight is more important than his wife’s bodily autonomy.

Almost every IDC member is being primaried! You can find the WFP endorsed challengers in seven out of eight IDC districts here: the only district I’m not sure about is 38. There’s also someone (Blake Morris) challenging Simcha Felder in the 17th; he’s not

Can someone with a law degree (or just a better understanding of law than me) explain why a contract with pseudonyms is legally binding? It seems like that would totally negate the point of a contract??

Two other things the this article completely ignored: the Illinois state senate has passed this bill in 5 of the last 6 years and it always dies in the house. Also, Nevada passed it last year so only two more states need to ratify it and Virginia is about as close as Illinois is.

I think there’s always been a pretty stark ideological divide in this country, it’s just more prominent because so many more people are able to have a platform. Party ID has definitely become more entrenched, there used to be conservative democrats and liberal republicans in a way that there aren’t really today but

My dad was unemployed for most of my childhood, so functionally a stay-at-home dad even if not by choice, and while obviously the money trouble and emotional baggage that came with that wasn’t fun, I think I’m better for having had him around. I have a much better relationship with him than my older brother because he

More odious than Ted Cruz??? I didn’t think that was possible

Can you really call it most of the whole cast without Katey Sagal, Lauren Tom, or John Dimaggio? I know none of them voiced a million characters like the above mentioned 4 but they voiced pretty damn important characters.

She was actually raised mormon, though it seems like she probably doesn’t practice anymore.