Kit the Cat

I feel like 90% of the time politicians wives are better than the pols themselves? see: Michelle Obama, 90s era Hillary (Hillary is still better than Bill, but I definitely wouldn’t refer to her as a politician’s wife anymore), honestly even Laura Bush is a hell of a lot better than her husband. Obviously a lot of

remember when he didn’t tell his wife he was leaving her before announcing it at a press conference? man, what a gem.

“I’m grateful Britney & Justin’s split gave us two iconic break-up tracks as opposed to Jelena’s weekly subtweets and Instagram comments” okay but counterpoint, love yourself is a banger

yeah I realized that and corrected myself in later posts, I was remembering that someone who finished after her got into the floor finals but I realized that was only because Laurie Hernandez also became ineligible due to the rule

(I made a mistake and it’s too late to edit, she only fell victim to it twice, the third time she would have been knocked out of the top eight by another American, Laurie Hernandez, who was affected by the rule)

she came in seventh on beam and ninth on floor, they take the top eight, which I guess means she didn’t actually qualify for floor because Laurie Hernandez would have qualified and she would have been knocked out if the two rule weren’t in place but she definitely would have for beam

steel drums because it’s always that one goddamn song from the little mermaid

she fell victim to it THREE times, in all around, beam, and floor

when you said Dexter I immediately thought of Dexter’s laboratory (which I get is very my age group specific) but I definitely don’t think Dexter the serial killer show was enough of a cultural touchstone that it needs a permanent moratorium

According to a friend of mine who goes there, he’s also banned from St Andrew’s campus because they kept catching him with underage freshmen

I made an involuntary blegh noise at the brooklyn beckham picture

I think the words people do and don’t feel comfortable using for sex are super interesting, like I don’t mind calling it fucking but “making love” gives me the heebies even though I don’t engage in casual sex. A friend of mine has a theory that you should only have sex with people who use the same terms as you because

I hope this is a joke but just in case it’s not, maybe let’s not whitewash the most powerful woc our country has ever had???

I genuinely can’t tell if this is about drugs or falling? maybe that’s the joke and I am bad at jokes

I think it’s just cute that he’s proud of his... husband? boyfriend? I’m not sure, but also they’re both super hot and obviously every gesture is cuter when the couple is hot

I’m pretty sure she’s like 25ish, noone else would make a zenon reference

LeAnne Rimes is younger than Britney Spears?!?

Except he’ll probably only make it on to the ballot in a handful of states, Jill Stein is likely to only be on the ballot in about 35 states and the green party at least has some organization behind them and a massive head start.

get the fuck out of my uterus, marco

same. today i learned that arod is retiring which means i officially can’t name a single current baseball player, so thats where i’m at.