She’s the best, and I love anyone who’s trying to get the conversation going about the destigmatization of mental illness
She’s the best, and I love anyone who’s trying to get the conversation going about the destigmatization of mental illness
If you’re in the mood to cry, Voices From Chernobyl is an oral history of people who survived and heartbreaking but completely beautiful, the interviews were conducted by a Ukrainian woman and about half of the interviewees are women. I would also always recommend anything by the inimitable Milan Kundera, especially…
SATC was very much postfeminist, it was about a group of women who clearly benefitted from the work first and second wave feminism had done but had no interest in doing further work
fucking staten island
if I could freaky friday with anyone it would be her
I always think it’s kind of weird to see people fawning over how progressive he is when really he’s just a pretty normal jesuit, granted he’s the first jesuit pope but within the scope of his order, he’s not exactly extreme
remind me again why some people think the republicans are the party of small government?
wow wait how do I request this for the next fashion scavenger hunt because I still want that dress so bad
this movie is why I know the address of the white house
I think most of the other commenters have covered the temper tantrum aspect of it but the other thing that I don’t think has been mentioned is that for some reason trade deals have become a hot button topic and Sanders has spent a lot of time and energy trying to convince his supporters that the TPP is bad and Trump,…
Alyssa Milano seems like one of those people who doesn’t quite get it but means really well so you kind of forgive her?
“Leave (Get Out)” is a banger AND she’s the youngest solo act to have a #1 in the US according to wikipedia. Jojo is great. Fight me.
Jim Webb is voting for Trump, in case he wasn’t scary enough
“hiring slave labor” ??????!
She is the better candidate, and most of us who are voting for her are doing so because she is the better candidate, but the fact that we have never had a female nominee in a major party or a female president is a big deal. Her candidacy is historical and important and that’s what people saying “so excited to finally…
At least Gary Johnson believes in drivers licences unlike a plurality of his party
tbf Alicia Keys and Jay Z are both actually from New York, unlike Taylor Swift who is from either Pennsylvania or Tennessee depending on how you define “from”
How do you date multiple people at once? If I’ve seen someone more than once, I always feel like I owe them some kind of fidelity even though I know I definitely don’t, and frequently this leads to people thinking I’m more serious about them than I actually am (It’s not like I want them all to be capital R…
to be fair, I’m sure when she asked what his policies were when writing her speech his only answer was “the best policies. huge policies. the best huge american policies” it’s not like she had a ton to work off of.