honestly I will take it because I have been walking around for four goddamn days humming the charles in charge theme song because SOMEBODY at the RNC thought it was a good idea to make Scott Baio relevant again
honestly I will take it because I have been walking around for four goddamn days humming the charles in charge theme song because SOMEBODY at the RNC thought it was a good idea to make Scott Baio relevant again
coco and ice are the only celebrity couple I care about
Agreed, these seem fine, but I always thought one of the best parts of American Girls was that it got children interested in history and talked about it in a relatable and age appropriate but realistic way. I genuinely learned a lot about slavery and racism from reading the Addy books and the Samantha books were the…
if you actually go into the article, it also lists Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Erika Alexander, Lena Dunham, America Ferrara, and Tony Goldwyn. I don’t know who Erika Alexander or Tony Goldwyn are but Kareem and America make sense as a push back to the RNC’s anti muslim and anti immigrant platforms respectively, and Lena…
I once hooked up with a guy in skinny jeans and he had to do the skinny jean dance to get back into them and it was so very not sexy so I am with you on the no skinny jeans train
Fun fact! (and by fun I mean really really not fun) The GOP platform includes passage of the First Amendment Defense Act which, while written to allow discrimination against LGBTQ+ folk, can ALSO be used to justify discrimination against people (read: women) who have premarital sex
I think some of that toothlessness might have to do with Sony and/or Dr. Luke, the stuff she’s been doing lately especially with Yeast Infection is definitely weirder, she even does covers of her own songs that are... quite different.
you’re right that was bad phrasing, I guess I more meant that they fit less neatly into the party apparatus than their male counterparts often do and the opinions they espouse tend to be (although are not always, see Sarah Palin) more nuanced and/or more willing to break with the party line. For instance, there are 20…
you can think someone is a bad person and also commend her for speaking out against sexual harassment, the two aren’t mutually exclusive.
I would also argue that many powerful conservative women (Kelly, Rice, even Fiorina to a certain extent) are a lot more complicated than we tend to give them credit for and are…
but also armed with guns
But everything from the 90s is back, just look at our presidential candidates
he has, he’s been in tabloids today and yesterday talking about how MJ got hormone injections at 13 to stave off puberty
I tease because my flirting technique has not evolved since the second grade, stuff that is not too personal and obviously in good fun usually does the trick to disarm. I once blamed a guy who was very proud of being from california for Reagan (to clarify, we are both too young to have voted in ‘80/’84 and are both…
the rule is that it should still be correct without out the second subject, so in this case it should read “my husband and me” because you would caption a photo “me” but would be far less likely to capture it “I”.
In middle school there was a really creepy guy who used to call me Elle Woods and I know he meant it as an insult but I have never taken it as anything but a compliment because this movie is the best
I’ve been saying that for months, plus sexist as it may be Hillary has a likability problem and Al Franken is one of the most likeable people on the planet AND Minnesota has a dem governor to appoint his replacement unlike Mass
who is the man next to ice? I’ve seen every single episode up until Stabler left and a couple after that, so I know who the blonde woman is, but I’ve never seen the man before and I will be really annoyed if he’s the current ADA because SVU always had badass lady ADAs and I loved that
There is polling that suggests Sanders supporters are flocking to Clinton in larger numbers than Clinton supports moved to Obama in 2008. The Bernie or bust assholes are a minority, they’re just loud.
what?? she was in a fairly public relationship with Ebony Nichols. Just because she never did the whole big coming out this doesn’t mean she’s in the closet.