Kit the Cat

I feel really sad for Khloe, she seems to really love him and I’m sure this all is really hard on her

my go to is breakfast tacos (eaten at all times of day, not just breakfast), you scramble eggs, sautee some potatoes, add beans or rice or chorizo if you want/have (I rarely do because I am lazy), put it all on a tortilla, smother in cheese and stick it in the oven for a few seconds to melt the cheese and crisp the

I got academic commendations! This was kind of a rough year and I really struggled with my anxiety and maybe even experienced depression for the first time (the anxiety is diagnosed, the depression is not) and the confirmation that even though I struggled socially and emotionally, I flourished academically was really

they couldn’t even get their own hashtag right, one says #RF and the other says #FR

yes means yes laws are surprisingly controversial still. I recently published an article about them and even in my lovely liberal family there was some resistance to the broad scope of them (which, duh is the point, sexually assaulting some because you’re dumb enough to think the absence of a no is consent is still

in my ideal world she spent the whole party with Ryan Reynolds doing increasingly escalating bits, trying to out improv each other

and ikea meatballs

Now playing

I get that Frank Ocean probably isn’t a big Cure fan but it seems really odd to name your album the same thing as a different very popular album.

Also I love The Cure, that album is the soundtrack to my teenage angst

wasn’t selma critically acclaimed? why, in this particular instance, fuck the critics?

wait, if you smell temperature, then how does your body regulate? do you sweat/shiver/other physical reactions associated with feeling temperature? sorry if this is an obnoxious line of questioning, I’m just fascinated, the only form of synesthesia I’ve ever met people with is sound/color

Stacey Dash is the worst, but also let’s have a jesse williams gif thread because a jesse williams gif thread is never inappropriate

Is this actually how the rest of the country sees him? That’s kind of fascinating because in the tristate area everyone, regardless of political leaning, is still pissed about the gw bridge thing. the only thing more sacred than partisanship is the morning commute.

honestly vp is the best possible job for him, like he was a mediocre senator who was awful to anita hill but now that he has no real power, he’s goddamn delightful

“The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” - the ever calm and understated Pat Robertson

really? i know a lot of people that went to laguardia with him (that’s the performing arts school you’re talking about) and everyone of them has told me he was infamous for sexually harassing freshmen

also Hillary will likely keep many of Obama’s executive orders in tact, like paid leave for federal contractors, advisory boards on worker health, non-retaliation for compensation disclosure, some environmental stuff, ect.

“I don’t like PC culture” = “I don’t like having to think before I speak about the way my language might affect traditionally marginalized people”

There were two girls with same first and last name at my high school so they dubbed themselves “original” and “alternate”

“biological sex as objectively determined by anatomy and genetics at time of birth”

Do you think Bryant’s head would explode if he ever met an intersex person?

I think you’ve gotten at the fundamental tension here, in that proponents of trigger warnings view it as the latter and opponents the former and so often you have the two sides talking past each other rather than with each other.

For what it’s worth, I personally have found warnings to be a great resource that allow