Kit the Cat

“majority voted at the behest of... doctors”

I mean... yes? Because clearly doctors have more knowledge of what constitutes undue burden than Greg Abbott? I’m not even sure how this is a burn, he’s just pissy that the majority trusted the opinions of people trained in the procedure being debated

Nicholas Cage is secretly the biggest comic book nerd, he named himself after Luke Cage and named his son after Superman

In theory I agree with that, and in practice with respect to pine I agree with that, but I still find rob pattinson shitting on twilight to be the most delightful thing

fun fact! as of this morning they have the /sixth/ largest economy. that is how much damage this has already done.

ugh ugh ugh

ETA oops I just saw that someone else already posted this but I think it’s SO important

James Marsters has such a Billy Idol vibe in that episode, I love it

before the brexit was the grexit which reminds me of gangrene

I wonder who? The two infamous assholes on Grey’s, her and Isaiah Washington, were both written off but not killed

Do you think Pine ever gets sad about being the only chris without a marvel franchise?

sir-mix-alot performed at my school, it was an odd time

“how DARE you try to divide us into groups by nonsense like race and gender” - member of party populated exclusively by white men

There’s a really interesting analysis of what she deems “choice feminism” in Andi Zeisler’s book, We Were Feminists Once, that deals with exactly this concept and I would highly suggest the book for anyone interested in the cooption of feminism by less than feminist sources

“And ultimately it comes down to whether we have the right to vaccinate or not vaccinate without being held reliable. Or whether or not we have to rush our children to the doctor every time they even just get the sniffles, in fear that something may just randomly happen and we’re held reliable.”


At my school philosophy majors have recently begun being invited to stem femme events because they experience so much of the same types of exclusion and harassment

ick ick ick

obviously thor is the hottest hemsworth, comeon

their cover of cruel to be kind in 10 things i hate about you is aces

she was the titular character in a movie called “the exorcism of emily rose” that Laura Linney was really good in

this is what’s keeping me going rn, like everything that comes out of trump’s mouth makes me want to cry but then I think about the surging latinx voter registration and WHAT IF we flip arizona and texas and new mexico and other places with high latinx populations that vote republicans because the latinxs weren’t

I just pretend he’s this riff raff and everything is better