Kit the Cat

he was famous when he was like 14 for being a singer (the bubblegum teen heartthrob type who would be in a boy band, but he wasn’t) and he dated all the Disney girls of his era (Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, ect.) He’s also the younger brother of Nick Carter who is a backstreet boy

Title IX has a different burden of proof than a criminal court. A criminal court functions on the “without a reasonable doubt” level of proof, while schools adjudicate Title IX on a “more likely than not” level of proof so it makes sense that he was found not guilty and still to have violated Title IX

I can’t read David Foster without mentally appending Wallace to the end, which makes for the occasional very odd dirt bag story

THIS. Just recently I learned that this guy who had been super interested in me (I wasn’t interested back) stopped being interested when he learned my number (1) because he decided it meant I was a prude, which is one of the more bullshitty side effects of the (generally awesome) sexual revolution. If a woman isn’t a

Are you talking about GG? Because if so, I think it would be super cool to see Rory in a relationship with a woman but I will go all mama bear on anyone who tries to break up Doyle and Paris

seconded, hoping that the whole “gay as hell” bierasure thing is just how it’s currently being reported because media outlets are bad at talking about sexual nuance

But also, if you’re looking for a show with a blatantly bisexual character, I would highly suggest Lost Girl which stars a badass, bisexual succubus who

Watching him implode makes me feel pretty smug that I was crushing on Jesse McCartney when all my friends were crushing Aaron Carter

Wait are you saying you were passionate about Kerry because you might be the first person I’ve ever heard say that

I actually think it makes more sense? Like he’s had sex and he knows how much fun it can be but he also knows what he wants out of a sexual relationship and maybe what he wants is complete commitment? I dunno, I feel like people tend to be super judgemental when men choose not to have sex but less so with women

there are actual living, breathing women who work at breitbart?!

Yikes, those cheekbones could cut glass

This just reminds me how upset I am that there are no good bagels on the west coast. I’m Brooklyn born and raised but in school in Oregon and bagels here are just round bread and I find it very very upsetting and my roommate thought I was a loon until she came to visit me in New York and saw the light.

is it a cougar joke? I totally read it as a cougar joke

My public policy professor liked to refer to Bloomberg as New York’s benevolent dictator, which always seemed like an apt description of his time as mayor

obviously this is terrible, but it reminds me that I really really miss Deep Cuts

Her name is Sonali and she was one of three in 2009

There’s a latina (who granted is a fairly white latina), an asian, an african american, and a native hawaiian doll of the year and my research tells me that this year’s doll is Brazilian maybe? although it’s not an unfair criticism to comment on the fact that there are more blonde dolls of the year than girls of color

If she understood this though, she wouldn’t be a conservative republican. The two things (her privilege and her conservatism) are inextricably linked.

The Daily News has been on it with their covers lately, this is my personal favorite

When I was 14 or 15 and just starting to drink, New York banned four loko and because they were no longer allowed to sell it to real people, bodega owners starting selling it in massive quantities to underaged kids. I’m pretty sure I did permanent damage to my liver that year.