Kit the Cat

Knowing Trump’s ego, the whole test would be centered around whether you’re attracted to him. Every man in America would be safe, but us women folk are screwed.

Eek okay I was wrong, I apologize!! I mixed Meghan Trainor and Elle King up and am way past the point of editing or deleting.
(I appreciate the correction, I just didn’t need to see it 30 times)

Meghan Trainor is Rob Schneider’s daughter so the rancid mayonnaise thing is a familial trait apparently

He has really gross and imperialistic political views but my dad the rockstar was quality television (I have no opinions about his music)

jfc New York politicians, get your shit together

I don’t really care about Anthony Weiner’s infidelities but I do care about how dumb he was about the whole like, like for christs sake has anyone ever been worse at keeping things on the DL?

I think that’s probably true for anyone who is not terrible with money but you don’t get $53 million in debt without being fucking terrible at saving/paying off what you owe. I don’t think someone can accidentally get $53 million in debt because hard time/bad luck, ya know?

honestly this whole video is great and especially the gilligans island bit

Are Kate Hudson and Sarah Chalke a couple in this movie because even though it looks terrible I am super fucking down with that

I think the high instance of catholicism in latinx people probably accounts for some of this? like if you disagree with the republicans’ immigration policy but think democrats are literally murdering babies harmful immigration might be the lesser of two evils to you? I don’t agree with the logic obviously (I, like any

Judaism is a cultural, ethnic, and religious identification and you can kind of mix and match with the three. I, for example, am a cultural and ethnic Jew who hasn’t stepped foot in a synagogue since bar mitzvah season seven plus years ago.

Same! While I’m sure it’ll probably come up at some point if he starts to pick up steam or even ends up with the nomination, I’ve found it really refreshing how much of a nonissue him being a jewish agnostic has been so far

Tinder should always make you want to shower

And who are you to judge the way this generation engages in the political system? At least they’re fucking engaging

I know people keep saying this but it’s not really true... The majority of the people who would stay home rather than vote for Hillary are people who wouldn’t usually vote. 18-24 year olds historically have had one of the lowest turnout rates of any age demographic, what’s actually happening is that Bernie is bringing

He’s /really/ fiscally conservative. He’s basically the embodiment of what Sanders has been railing against so it makes sense that he doesn’t want to see him in office. Bloomberg is an independent/party jumper/whatever because he’s fiscally conservative leaning toward libertarian but without all the batshit social

Bernie is beating Hillary with all young women, not just young white women. Your point about race only holds when you’re talking about the upwards of 30 set.

Also, you can take your condescending attitude about young people and shove it because it’s your generation that left us with exploding debt, little room for

Steinem is basically using the argument that misogynists use for why a woman shouldn’t be president, that their ladybits will cloud their judgement. It’s so frustrating that this race has brought out the left’s seeming inability to trust the decisions women make for themselves, I never thought I would have to so

sometimes I start to pity him, and then I remember the scarlet letter laws he enacted in FL and realize he hates literally every woman who is not his mother. Jeb! is the Nice Guy (tm) candidate.

oops thanks for the correction!

so while I don’t necessarily think it’s fair to discount him just because he’s white passing (dude has been very outspoken about latino representation and is an immigrant from Colombia) I think it’s pretty telling that the Coen brothers cast him as Irish for literally no reason. He could have been any ethnicity and