Kit the Cat

Also could be one of those dumb movies with a billion people in them like:

Hancock maybe?? Charlize Theron (who won an oscar for Monster) is fairly two dimensional in that movie and I think maybe Will Smith has won an oscar but I’m too lazy to look it up

And yet a couple months ago I watched some TSA agents harass a kid (he was probably like 13 and with his whole family) because his passport had his middle name and his ticket didn’t so they technically didn’t match

I’m pretty sure he’s every bad decision I’m still making

2nd to the left is def masturbating

I wanted to hate watch this while avoiding my homework and it’s not available in my area and I am goddamn pissed about it

I know they aren’t listed but both her and Danny Strong (who played Doyle) have publically expressed interest in returning so unless ABC won’t let her I would guess she’ll probably be back.

Disclaimer: This could totally be wishful thinking because Paris is one of my favorite characters to have ever been on TV

if you want to make a demographics argument then shouldn’t the representation of minorities in each of the above categories GROW each year as the proportion of white americans shrink rather than having two years in a row with all white actors?

It’s also just kind of hard to tell who is young and who isn’t on here because young and old alike on jezebel tend to share similar views and have similar levels of discourse. I’ve seen lots of your comments around before and had no idea you were a peer because you seem to fit in so seamlessly around here.

At my college (and honestly in most of the city I live in) bathrooms tend to be GN and I don’t know anyone who has ever been assaulted in the bathroom. Often times if there are two GN bathrooms men and women self segregate but the important thing is that GN bathrooms make it so much easier, better, and safer for trans

I don’t really understand your first point, correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to rest on the fact that there are a large number of men who wouldn’t otherwise assault but because your pants are down (presumably behind a locked door) suddenly become sex offenders? I tend to think sex offenders will sex offend and


so Kelsey Grammer is the worst but one of his daughters, Spencer, was on a really cute show called Greek and is now on Rick and Morty and every time I read something like this I just hope his dickishness did not rub off on her because I find her delightful

Sanders is NOT Nader!! I’m so fucking sick of people complaining that he’s a spoiler candidate just because he’s making it a little bit harder for your precious HRC to be coronated with the nomination. The primary is the time to do this which is why Sanders, who has been an independent his whole life, is running as a

stacey being lower than mallory is just wrong

also i’m pretty sure charlotte was the boring one, not samantha

for what it’s worth, you can still get stis from oral if you aren’t using protection (I don’t mean that in a judgey way, just a please be safe way!)

I think the key word there is always. The people I know who take issue with Hillary Clinton’s opinion changing take issue with the frequency to which she does it. Throughout her political tenure she has changed her opinion on pretty much every major issue while Bernie has changed his on one, and even then it’s not a

that’s bullshit, born and bred in brooklyn and I am just as much of a new yorker as you are

came here to say this, i didn’t have much of an opinion on ruby rose before but i respect the hell out of anyone who can make a solid romy and michele joke

I’m thinking maybe over correction? she was super burned by Mick Jagger, who is walking sex and cheated on her constantly, so she then chose murdoch who is the opposite of walking sex