Kit the Cat

he’s two years older than me and went to the same high school as a bunch of my friends and apparently had a habit of sexually harassing freshmen and i think i would cry if he were cast as han solo because i love han solo and hate this guy so so much

I understand the sentiment, but American Girl’s whole thing (or at least 10 years ago when I was their target demographic) is that you can customize the doll to look just like you, google tells me that the name of the line is “truly me” so I don’t think it’s that unreasonable to request a scar kit as another one of

*Quincy Jones not Tom Jones

I think you’re absolutely allowed to have an opinion because more than parenting, public breastfeeding is about the vilification and sexualization of women’s bodies.

Also, I think it’s cool that AM has been a breastfeeding advocate waaay longer than she’s had kids. There was an entire charmed plotline surrounding back

wear plum or you’ll look dumb?

yeah because who wouldn’t want to see their abuser in the white house, right?

this is such a bullshit response, he was the fucking attorney general at the time. rape is really difficult to prosecute when the perp is a nobody but he was the fucking attorney general at the time. she would have been reporting with the hope that people who worked directly for him would do her justice

From what I understand (as a woman who lives in Oregon that has several friends looking into doing this) what’s actually happening is pharmacists write the prescription and then fill it on the spot so insurance will still cover it because it’s still technically a prescription med, it’s just that for the consumer it

I think you have too much faith in the American criminal justice system

I am not a troll and would love to be ungreyed!

bite your tongue. hero is a goddamn classic.

can we please please stop policing what women are and are not allowed to be nerds? I’m pretty sure it’s symptomatic of the larger issue that society says women can be smart OR attractive but never both and that’s majorly fucked. If she wants to call herself a nerd, that’s her fucking business.

How is “v-word” more presidential than vagina though?

If you can’t say sex you shouldn’t be having it, this is reappropriated from my most important rule of dating, if a guy can’t talk about vaginas or what comes out of them he does not deserve to be near one

Up until this very moment I thought she used to be married to Gavin Degraw and he always seemed like a nice guy to me so I was constantly confused by the Gavin hate but the google machine just told me it was gavin Rossdale and I don’t know who that is

I actually agree, the prequels proved that you couldn’t just stick some light sabers in the universe and call it star wars, that there was more to it than that, which is how I think we got this one. I also think if the prequels hadn’t bombed like they did, we would have been stuck with more George Lucas

Because women are more likely to lie to protect abusers than they are to make false allegations of abuse? It’s really fucking hard to tell people that someone as beloved as Sean Penn did a terrible thing to her, it’s not that hard to say he didn’t.

I think it’s interesting that Hasbro has essentially reversed its marketing plan from the 80s. Before, the dolls already existed and Hasbro hired Sunbow Productions to make tv shows/movies/ect now the tv shows/movies/ect already exist and Hasbro is being hired to make the dolls

Upstate New York is basically the south anyway

I think it’s fairly cyclical, like the wealthy, white, cismen in power don’t want to give up their power so they don’t make any changes that would help other people get power so more wealthy, white, cismen end up in power