
As a woman who is a size 22 with more or less similar hair/complexion, I honestly got a little teary-eyed when I saw she landed this cover...I follow her Instagram and she gives seriously no fucks what people think of her and knows she is gorgeous and honestly, just having that as part of my “visual diet” on a daily

This movie looks like Ackee and Saltfish + Skins had a baby and raised it in America and I am HERE FOR IT.

Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.

"men's stupidity is a trope that is absolutely played up in hollywood."

Thanks, everyone, for chiming in—even (and perhaps especially) to those who are giving me my lumps.

I was spellbound through the entire thing. LOVED it!

Yeah, definitely. That's some feminism 101 stuff. Sadly it was Kara Brown.

I also feel like Drake represents the male gaze. Not just during that last part but that by the end we realize it was his gaze/fantasy throughout. The last part seems so outside of the rest of the video, which adds to my theory.

I've had the hots for him for years and Whiplash was my favorite movie this year.

Wheelchair Jimmy was too good for that whiny skank, Ashley. She does ecstasy and cheats on him with SEAN??!!1??!!111!? Sean always seemed soooo greasy!

Exactly. It's supposed to PARTIALLY reflect that, and PARTIALLY focus on the history of each scene. This is why he includes plenty of people who came both before and after him, and the influences of his influences. No one expects it to be a sweeping, overarching, comprehensive survey of all rock music ever, but if

You don't know shit about Oly. And Kurt is from the coast, Aberdeen. Olympia is the genesis of Seattle rock, and the most bohemian city in WA. It houses this awesome university started by actual -60's-era Ken-Kesey-friends-hippies called Evergreen. Pass/fail and you get to choose your own major. But it's intense and

Now playing

Solid point. I hadn't thought about it. In the wake of suddenly feeling allowed to love Garth, I will now post "The Thunder Rolls", my secret not so secret favorite country karaoke jam...

Dude I am a recent UVA grad and after reading that horrifying Rolling Stone article about the rampant covering-up of sexual assault both there and at other colleges all around the country, the only way I could cope was with a long SVU marathon. An alternate dimension where a compassionate and maternal Olivia Benson

Plus, Queen Badass, Olivia Benson

The fact that detectives on TV are better at doing their jobs than the police force in real life.

This comment makes me sad.

Sometimes I get sad when I see SVU episodes with no on-screen "order" trial. I need complete resolution, dammit!

NFL cheerleaders sue for being paid less than minimum wage: Why don't they get real jobs then? That job isn't about the money; guess they should've gotten a STEM degree. Pardon me if I don't weep for beautiful women getting paid because of their looks.

This comment is perfect. I find it shocking how many thin women go out of their way to make this issue all about them.