
No problem! I'm a HUGE fan of Saturday! I use their A-satchel as my work bag and I tons of the clothes. It's great quality for the price, especially the leather. My A-satchel was $250 full price and it looks like it could easily cost $500. The weekender bags are great too! One thing to note about the clothes is

Ya, I'm sure it's not the same for every store. We would send SOME things to the outlet, but most would just get sent back to the website for an online sale. The chances of finding a popular style at the outlet a few months/a year later were super slim. I know J.Crew, Gap, Coach, etc all do outlet-only lines. It

Sometimes I wonder if the employees at the outlets are telling customers that it's just past season merch from the boutiques, because people INSIST that they KNOW FOR A FACT that everything in the store will be going to the outlet in a few weeks. No way lady, that's not how it works!

Was it one of those 3 day flash sales? Occasionally they include outlet items to those sales, but there are rarely, if ever, outlet items on the normal sale section of the website. A good way to tell if a bag is from the outlet is if it has the square, leather, license-plate style logo. Most of the bags from the

Ya, you're way better off just waiting for sales at the regular store. They have them all the time, especially in April and July. Also, they regularly do online "flash sales" in which they sell off alot of past season merch. Sign up for the mailing list if you want to know about those!

I used to work at Kate Spade and people's head would explode when I told them that most merchandise in the outlet was never in the full price stores to begin with. So many people would scoff at prices and snarkily say "Why would I pay full price for this? I'll just wait til it goes to the outlet!" but be so upset

Yes! I think there was alot of resentment from the townspeople towards the typically wealthy kids going to my college and I think some of it manifested in sexual assault, which is super fucked up. Also, three major highways passed through this small town, so seedy characters were probably coming through. Once there

Thanks for the clarification!

I don't think banning Greek life is necessarily the right move. I went to a small liberal arts college that had a very small Greek community and we still had problems with sexual assault on campus. Unfortunately, ours mostly involved townspeople assaulting women walking back to their dorms from off-campus parties

She also played Anne Boleyn on The Tudors. You may recognize her from that.

She also played Anne Boleyn on The Tudors and was on of the main characters. You may recognize her from that.

Oh my god, I LIVE for historical artisanal demonstrations! When I was 14, my parents took our family to Williamsburg for Thanskgiving and we had a colonial thanksgiving dinner in one of the historical taverns. It was THE BEST. If I could go back in time, I would have gone to William and Mary so that I could have a

I just want to take a moment to shout out to University of Houston for implementing gender-neutral bathrooms for our trans students!

So glad I could help! I seriously hope you find some cute stuff. You should try what I did and switch to skirts and dresses! Jeans and shirts don't look good on me either and it used to bother me alot, but I have so much body confidence now that I've stopped wearing those things. A high waisted skirt + cool

Thanks for the tip! I'm the opposite of you. I have a plus size waistline, but with NO butt whatsoever, so I have alot of trouble finding pants that don't look insane on me. A few years ago I just gave up and haven't worn pants since. The hardest part about finding skirts when you're plus size is that most places

The sizing is pretty hit or miss, so I normally order two sizes. It's annoying, but I'll take it if that means I'm wearing something that looks like it was made for a 25 year old instead of looking like I borrowed my mom's Chico's catalogue. That's the most frustrating thing about the plus size market. There are a lot

For all you ladies out there looking for a stylish plus size option, I recommend I'm a 12/14, so I'm kind of in between straight and plus size, and I find most of my clothes here. A lot of their plus size clothes are just the straight size designs in larger sizes and they always have trendy, fashionable


I once ran into a one-night-stand dude a few months later at a bar. I didn't want to sleep with him again, but I didn't want to be rude, so I made some smalltalk with him before heading home for the night. The next morning, I woke up to this hilarious/disturbing string of texts:

fun fact: I totally live down the street from their house!