
not yet becoming a daily occurrence”

Aaaaaaargh!  Right after lunch, too!

I guess they’ve underestimated the power of a good libtard with a gun.

I think “rack” is a solid contender.

Yes. I voted for him in the 2018 senate race because he is not-Ted Cruz. I would have a hard time pulling for him in the primaries because so much of his “platform” is empty platitudes.  

Bitch McConnell: Thoroughly craven hyprocrite, or assumes we all have the memory of fruitflies?

helpless denizens of luxury high-rises

Pretty pathetic when you can’t even racist right.  I saw the original broadcast, which was a live cutaway from regular programming and Judge Hidalgo made her comments in English, then Spanish, all while an ASL interpreter was behind her.  I thought it was a much smoother transition than using a separate interpreter. 

A dude, playing a dude, playing a different dude once said never go full Mike Lee.

I always think of Gap Band, probably because I am an Old.

I don’t know that anybody has ever seen Stephen Miller and Smeagol in the same place at the same time, so there’s that.

I (S)heart Huckabees

“he’s an excellent talker”

So that’s two known sex-traffickers in the immediate circles of this legitimate businessman/president, and both in close proximity to Mar-a-Lago.  I’m sure its all on the up and up.

Purple velvet thoughts!!

it’s more difficult to subdue and handcuff an assailant while carrying a long gun...”

Cashmere gives me itchies and hives.  So maybe velvet thoughts instead!

I’ve lived in TX my whole life and have never heard of Confederate History Month. We do, however, have a Go Texan Day and Texas Independence related holidays.  I wonder if this is just not publicized as much statewide.  Off to research and then write representatives as needed.

I accidentally drank out of my mom’s boyfriend’s spit can thinking it was my soda I had left on the counter.  Dr. Pepper, specifically.

Haha...digging.  You mean actual physical activity?