He was going to... But then he got diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Very likely just to get out of getting the snip, the cagey bastard.
He was going to... But then he got diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Very likely just to get out of getting the snip, the cagey bastard.
I've had one abortion, two beautiful children, and many years and methods of birth control. It comes down to: people want to fuck us, but if we get pregnant it's our fault (or we intended it to entrap them! wooooo!) and we can't have an abortion (murderer!) or use birth control (harlot!) Bottom line is Satan has…
Yeah. Fort Knox my eggs are not.
The old men that show fetal splatter porn outside of Planned Parenthood also say that they are worried about my soul and birth control is abortion and murder but I think they have something against me because when I walk be I scream at them to die and I loudly poke my head in and thank the staff for their brave work…
No. It doesn't work that way. Your mother has been listening to those idiots Rachel Maddow was talking about a while ago that claim IUDs turn you into a "walking abortiom factory."
Obviously, another reason to distrust these places is that they are not staffed with qualified medical professionals. ONE STUPID SHIT told a woman her IUD was a baby. A BABY.
damn gurl youse hella impregnable
Maybe they'd feel better if the medical records also included a check box for "Slut" or "Not a slut" so they could know if it was a legitimate termination or if they could judge the patient's morals.
It sucked and blew going through that tubal fuckery.
This reminds me of the time I unknowingly went to one of those pregnancy centers in college for a free pregnancy test. They told me the test was negative when in fact I was two months pregnant. There is no way they could have misread that test or my symptoms. I kept on living the life of a young woman who is under the…
My best story was one in which I went to a CPC where they wore scrubs, referred to clients as patients, etc. Literally everything illegal. They had an ultra sound tech there who was leaving soon, so they asked if I wanted to get the ultra sound before the pregnancy test (highly unusual) and I said yes. Part of the…
They are only, you know, females. They are expensive (dowager) and therefore worthless, other than their unborn children, but only if they breed men. They are also impure (because they bleed, eww), and stupid because of hormones. And they are the ones that can become lesbians or feminazis, which means they cannot…
So Sybil on "Downton Abbey" didn't die from complications in childbirth?
I used to go undercover to CPCs and there are a bunch of loopholes. Some CPCs have you sign something that states that they aren't a doctor's office and you are aware of it. However, a lot of CPCs do illegal things like referring to clients as patients or dressing in scrubs. Those things ARE illegal, but they just…
Most of these centers don't give away all that much. They give a bag of diapers and a few cans of baby food as a token gesture to make the women THINK that they'll be there to support them, but they won't.
Well, our religious nutjobs say we can't fund some important parts of women's healthcare, which of course raises the levels of poverty, maternal death, and unwanted children being brought into the world. But hey, at least they aren't using evil birth control or having abortions, right?
At it's core... yes and no? At it's core it seeks to maintain the kyarchical state of oppression via control over reproductive choice. Of course that includes racial elements, both preserving the numbers of white babies by forcing upper class white women and girls to have children they otherwise wouldn't, and…
It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that while we're performing dick transplants, people in other countries are dying from easily preventable infections. Priorities.
Wow I guess my daughter is gonna be really pissed off at me. Every time she has asked for a sibling and I have to tell her about her difficult birth at just 32 weeks weighing just a little over 2 pounds. Then how the doctors told me that another pregnancy could end up doing me harm. She probably gonna be upset that I…
That's so awful. Her poor family. I was very, very lucky because I was 39 weeks and already in labor when they realized what was going on. I even got to leave the hospital in 3 days.