
You stayed up till at least 4aam workshopping that an you still sound dumb as shit

What exactly is false & sensational?

What if we mail CDs to everyone in the world with a copy of the Twitter client. We then give them like 300 hours of free Twitter access and after those 300 hours we get them to pay a monthly fee.

  • In a medium sized bowl, Mix Clam-O-Naise with tuna and shrimp.

Nice to see an example of all that free speech Elon just paid for.

One repaint, the rest repacks of the Micro Galaxy sets that are already clogging up Walmart and Target shelves.

They complain about their job, you complain about their complaints, and you think they’re the ones crying?

Doctor Oz,

Might help a little, but these are trumpers we’re talking about. To them, all he has to do is deny it and it’s all good, and voting Democrat is obviously worse than killing puppies anyway.

Who wants to bet on how much this will excite the MAGA crowd? Yesterday the dogs, tomorrow the libs.

Really? This is what the Black community is chasing now? Jumping at every shadow and slight?

Apple has done it again, they brought a revolution to the tech industry!

All I want is to remove the camera function from the Lock Screen. My lady always snags my phone to take photos, yet she has a Galaxy 22 with a way better camera than the 12 Pro I have 

fuck Chick-fil-a in all things, but this is basically making up a reason to be angry when there are already plenty out there.

They should scrap all the rest of them while they’re at it.

See you tomorrow at this site that you hate.

Bring back NFl Blitz.

Should have been in the article. Along with the video. 

Fuck organized sports and fuck the South.