
Maybe there’d be fewer crashes if they turned right?

But enough about Nascar...


Well, I’d rather (if I had to choose between evils) have a ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ eyeball-hand webcam. Or the ‘Zenith TV’ sensor-pod from the first War of the Worlds flicks.

So they looked at an electric razor and went “It’s good! But it could be better!”

Japan really has a hard time understanding that if you tell people not to do it, they’ll just do it harder.

Your mileage may vary. I feel like a lot of folks enjoyed it much more toward the end, but some definitely thought it was a stinker all the way through.

I’m glad I sat through the weak first half of Space Force, because it got really enjoyable by the end. Just a slow burn, not a failure to launch.

Why do people who are not postal workers have strong opinions about postal worker trucks?

Oh, no! Now her kids will never learn all of those important ethics and principles only the Catholics can teach...


The difference is also people really can’t manage without TP (eewwww) so buying it all up was really a tangible issue, and the sanitizer was thought to prevent COVID transmission. So, real bad.

One way to differentiate retailers from scalpers is that retailers at least add value to the manufacturer, while those douches add value to absolutely no one outside their “operation”.

Tucker should have him and the Chicks (formerly Dixie Chicks) on to talk about cancel culture.

Headlines From The Future...

Is it even America anymore if he can’t sing the classics?” ~ Tucker Carlson, FoxNews later today

“Oh, so you think only black people can be slaves... Well, NOW who’s the racist? Me or the ni... black person?”


As a janitor, homeboy up there doesn’t realize that not washing one’s hands is not a ‘black’ thing, but as universal ‘people are nasty as fuck’ thing. I don’t know why he has to somehow say that ‘niggers are nasty’ thing...well yes I do, because he’s fucking racist and I can almost promise that he does what he does

you got the joke backwards but yes