
That’s a great idea.  Fingers crossed one of em says, “You can have my organs when you pry em from my cold, dead body!”


That’s some good schadunfreude.

I am shocked a tesla owner wouldn’t be more chill.

Hey apologists, are we still going with the “Typical new model issues” thing?

So big pickups regularly drive over smaller cars in TX?  Cool, link?

Is this where trump got his info for his “It’ll disappear by easter” covid prediction in 2020?  Two peas in a pod.

You’re against *dreaming?*

Tesla makes notoriously touchy hardware and software.  I can understand being extra cautious about following instructions.

I always wonder about the hardliners when it comes to Tesla. I imagine them thinking, Well he’s a racist asshole, so that’s a plus. But I’m pretty sure electric cars turn you gay!

You’d think a comedy actor would have a sense of humor.  

I’ve seen so many terrible adaptations of books I liked, scifi and otherwise, I tend to stay away from the filmed versions.

For mesk-defenders saying that *all* new car owners should do this, puh-leeeeeeeeeeease.

I’m a liberal, but damn some liberals are just waiting to pounce, even with well-intentioned stuff like this. Obama called us a circular firing squad, and sometimes that’s on the money.

A stormtrooper is made a human character? It’ll be so cool to see him struggling with his past!

So we can explore the frustrating lack of continuity in even more detail?

If I somehow gave the impression that I care about your politics, lemme be clear: I do not.

Yes, see my reply to the first guy who pointed this out 

Good point. Lotta great books been made into shit movies, and sometimes if it’s a book I haven’t read yet I can’t grasp how much the movie sucks.  Best example I can think of is Wizard of Oz.

You must be a blast at parties.