
“Act as my deceased grandmother, who used to lull me to sleep each night by offering me huge discounts on drive-through junk food.”

I wonder if this is a result of salespeople asking, “So what you got in mind for a monthly payment?” and dumb buyers just going by that. Buying cars they can’t really afford.

I still don’t get why anyone cares what this guy calls himself in the first place. You really think without the label he would be a good guy?

I wish CFA hadn’t been included in these stops, and I’ll never eat there. However, here’s why it won’t matter: when they *are* open, the line is ridiculous.

Why does anyone care enough about celebrities’ political stances to quibble over terminology?  He could call himself a leprechaun for all I care.  It’s not important.

They sold a broken game. The issue isn't the reviews, it's the broken goddam game.

I’m going to miss all the friends and connections I’ve made.

clearly they are worth whatever Tesla decides to charge

I’d rather drive a corolla, which I could get two of for this “low” price.

that is not normal behavior. At all.

Fuck milk and fuck the dairy industry.  I would rather support the crack industry.

Why do so many people seem to think: “Extreme Bloom Lighting = Gud Grafix!”?

Have never seen this show, but you’re really selling me on it here.

Well, your state government already *doesn’t* work, so...

This deserves way more stars

“I’m biting my tongue...”

If it can’t go fast without incurring $4K in damage, how is this a “performance car?”

So how long before Trump gives them both nicknames and the MAGA mob turns on them?

Do you have a source for this?

Without any mention of what the alleged prank was, this is not a story.