
I would like to give it up for this DA who kept on prosecuting. Many times after one mistrial, prosecutors decline to refile charges as it’s cost prohibitive & their budgets are shrinking. So kudos to this one for not letting this asshat get away without a verdict.

You beat me to it.

The question is how many more people are sitting in a cell in the same situation? How many got executed?

Not to mention the painful fact that on some metrics we fare poorly compared to some “third world” countries.

“Why do we only care about separating families as a result of a crime being committed is illegal immigration?”

That stood out to me. I’ve had some truly awful experiences with nurses vs. loved ones lately, and I think some of them have a God complex.

Almost like some other famous group in early 2oth century Europe, aren’t they?

The most sickening part of the story is that a FUCKING NURSE, who understands the medical situation, called Border Patrol on the parents of a 2 MONTH OLD INFANT in surgery. And I fucking guarantee that Nurse Nancy considers herself a good christian woman when she tells the story to her bible study group after church

I say this about every ICE agent: if you don’t condone these actions, quit. By continuing to wear that badge, you are complicit with every action your brethren take; just following orders is what they said at Nuremberg, too. At some point, you will be hunted just as they were.

Son, this response couldn’t be more American if it was bombing brown people for oil. I salute you.

That’s not normal human behavior. That’s sociopath behavior. I guarantee these ICE agents are enjoying every damn moment of their jobs because they enjoy ruining lives legally.

But of course they did. Because making sure harmless undocumented people who are just trying to save their son’s life are harassed, arrested, and deported is way more important than finding and deporting criminals, gang members, or human traffickers. /s

As a nation, we have truly lost our way.

Well? Are great again, yet?

Once Payne and his superior who pushed him are fired and unable to find another job, then I’ll believe in that “goodness of society”.

They knew where to go, in my opinion. My uncle used to say to me: “If you have only a few months left in your sentence, then you don’t go attacking everybody that you have problems with, in the yard. It’s not like you’re working with a life sentence.” The chaperone and the girls were touring a college campus, not a

Good to know. In the same breath, Howard is a place where one’s hat may get touched for certain reasons. That’s my point—there’s much to learn. Now, on to the other social, educational, political, and artistic things we can learn about the institutions...

Looked to me immediately that they were claiming the space and rattling cages. The fact they felt they could stroll on in, with their MAGA hats and blonde highlights and claim they were victims is disgusting. The young man who grabbed one of their hats should be commended on his control. But he shouldn’t have to have

This is peak gaslighting by these MAGA-draped people.
