
This is why we need true black republicans. Not Omarosa or Uncle Ben. True right of center folks that can be at the table to represent African Americans during those 4 or 8 years the other party is in power. Right now we are truly on the sidelines.

My vote is you decline the invite. Showing up is normalizing this man and an administration that has deliberately disrespected HBCU students and their families.

I wonder how the invitation should have been handled? Does one actually go into the lion’s den and hope that he actually benefits rather than mauls you? What do you do when you are there and when you leave? Do you refuse the picture? Do you say something like “We are glad to meet with the President of the United

Came expecting a non-apology. Got it with a sprinkling of deflection on top. Disappointed and saddened, not surprised.

So you want to compare Kellyanne Conway to President Obama? Ok, I’ll play along...

Does that mean you can smack her across the nose with a rolled-up newspaper until she learns not to climb on the furniture?

It’s not like there were no professional photographers in the room, that she needed to grab her cell phone camera.

Oh, there are always a few. This was a stupid thing to do, no matter how you feel the police are disrespected or denigrated in our society right now. You don’t engender trust or respect when you plaster a symbol of an insane, anarchistic, murderer, and shows complete lack of trust in the law ...on the side of your

Jeebus, the disconnect in this country is terrifying.

God fucking damnit... These chucklefucks. And cops wonder why people might not trust them all that much.

Bullshit. Bring in more revenue. Obamacare extended the solvency of Medicare by over a decade. Tens of millions of people rely on Social Security as their only source of income. Cutting benefits puts them out on the streets to die.

Please do tell how countries like Canada or England manage to stay afloat with “entitlement programs” such as universal healthcare, and why it is such a difficult thing for the US, where kids can get killed just for being at school, to do so. How is it not a huge burden in other countries but somehow unacceptable for

While true, campaign promises are valid weapons to try and beat compliance out of them.

Yeah he should just set up a chromecast on the HDMI tv they have there in the chambers and connect it to the wifi. Then he should log into that wifi with a smartphone and hope that the devices on the network are allowed to see each other.

Congress doesn’t have a wifi enabled TV or computer screen just sitting there. Also, twitter isn’t chromecast enabled on iphones.

Trump wants power. Plain and simple. All these people that thought anything he has said was anything more then him saying what he needed to say in order to get elected is lying to themselves.

That’s cute Bernie, expecting Trump to have any integrity or Republicans to care about hypocrisy or campaign promises. Their base obviously gives zero shits if they bald faced lie. A good many Trump voters are pretty much depending on his more outrageous statements being lies. My Mom voted for him, and when

I don’t understand how drawing attention to promises made is a gimmick. Trump chooses to use Twitter as a major part of his outreach to voters. It is only sensible that those utterances would be relevant in future discussions.

Stay relevant? He still has a job, whether or not the press covers his job is another story.