sharpteeth: local gq

Taco Bell is here to help you achieve that goal with any of it's affordably-priced possibly-was-at-one-time food-like menu items!

I think the point is that as drug companies in more civilized parts of the world refuse to sell these drugs to us, states that still execute people are turning to compounding pharmacies to custom mix the drugs. They are also trying out alternatives in untested lethal cocktails...that violates human rights no matter

Renee Baio: proving yet again that you can either spell correctly or be hateful, but not both.

Sorry for the double post but...this bearded guy seems to have it out for John, dude better watch his back.

Oh for fucks sake! I used to listen to Loveline years back when I was in high school, and even then before I had any kind of sexual experience I could tell Dr. Drew was absolutely full of shit. This was his answer to everything. Every single time a woman would call in and mention a kink or a hang-up or a preference

"...and suggested that the man's fiancee wasn't really sick; instead she was probably someone who had been sexually abused as a child who was maybe kinda into being sick."

Gah, that's been Dr. Drew's knee-jerk response to countless things since the 90's. Don't you dare speak in a voice that sounds younger than your

"You were molested" is Dr. Drew's go-to "diagnosis." It's basically his doctoral "advice" cold reading technique - he gets enough "yes"s that it seems like he really can tell which callers are victims of abuse, which lends him credibility. And he is never "wrong" - I've heard, on multiple occasions, him refuse to

Next Sunday, I'm going to think of "angry, smiling Old Testament God" at completely inappropriate moments and probably start snorting and giggling when I'm supposed to be kneeling or something.

That third story gave me chills. I'm so upset that he got away after assaulting the poor manager. Fuck people who attack people like that.

I'm not aware of one either. Heck i've hardly met any other trans people (not even queer in general) in my life that i could have a culture with. The trans women i've spent the most time with what connected us the most was our geekiness and just hitting it off friendshipwise, no specific culture. I guess there's the

I cannot star this enough times. Only tell your diagnosis to people whom you absolutely, positively trust. No one else, especially not colleagues or coworkers.

Yeah, in fact, she actively rejected a healthy relationship, because the love didn't make her hurt enough. Olivia Pope is really not who you should be going to for any abuse that isn't putting you in the hospital with broken bones and bruises.

Not even Olivia Pope would find a way to defend that. There's no defense for physically and emotionally abusing another human being.

RL Stine is a bunch of people. I briefly worked for his wife at their publishing office and I had to ship out boxes of books to the writers. I never met him and she seemed to be the one in charge.

Don't feel bad about the neo-colonial implications of this. The anti-homosexuality movement was imported from the United States by US Churches.

This is also untrue. Bullies end up being successful and richer than their victims. Their victims usually end up with stressful and anxious lives because it takes them a lifetime to get over bullying, generally. Most of those hyper succesful people you see out there are former bullies.

And fun times, they can also be "good" people with that minor little exception of having made your life hell for years. My bullies were/are in great humanitarian groups. They're now doctors who volunteer in impoverished areas, or lawyers with great pro-bono records. We're all from the same progressive mindset. It

That wasn't the point I was making. The point I was making is that, as a culture, we actually reward bullies; particularly the smart bullies. They are successful in our society at almost every level and for every Bill Gates, there are 100s of middle-managers who are bullying in every office around the world.

I think this really is an important point. One of the most valuable lessons one can learn is that life isn't fair. It sounds like a sort of defeatist lesson, but it really isn't. You're going to be a lot better off if you just accept the fact that some people never get their "cosmic justice". Sitting around

It seems similar to the assertion that bullies are all miserable deep down inside. Humans want to believe in a just world so bad. We don't want to accept that some horrible people live long fulfilling lives and die happy while some wonderful people live painful lives that end in fear, pain, and sadness.