sharpteeth: local gq


The fact that you think many people with disabilities choose suicide shows that there is not NEARLY enough representation of people with disabilities who do NOT choose suicide.

Sounds like all she has to do is offer to write a paper or make a video discussing the book and she’ll be offering a real product. She could just write “this sucks” in a card and send it off. Done.

Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."

I do, absolutely. Am I skeptical of most ghost claims? Yes. Do I think some are valid, including my own experiences? Yes again.

Yeah. I would love to have the liberty of disbelief. But having lived in a house with a full-bodied apparation which was seen by multiple people at different times, not to mention the other physical manifestations, I am forced to believe that there are ‘ghosts’. I don’t know what they are exactly, but I accept that

White people who do awful acoustic covers of rap songs will not be treated kindly by history.

Also they mention that the movement was started by three queer black women. So there is the added layer of the LGBT angle, another group routinely dismissed or abused by the police.

That “black lives matter” so quickly gets mentally translated into “black men matter” is less a product of racism than one of sexism. We live in a society that frequently devalues the rights and existence of women. Issues that affect men are social issues; issues that affect women are “women’s” issues. That black men

It’s important to me to get other black women to assert how important we are, how much WE, too, need to be protected and/or avenged. So often, I see other sistas talk about how they treat “our men” and how they fear for their sons when we are victimized by the system as well and our daughters could be the next Sandra,

I mentioned this elsewhere in another thread, but daycare facilities often will not allow sunscreen application to a child as it is considered administering a drug. They have no problem taking the kids out for a day in the sun though (they figure it’s the parent’s problem if they don’t give them sunscreen in the

It sucks, but these kiddos are going to be okay. This is not unheard of, unfortunately. Kids with horrible sunburns like this need to be cared for in burn units. In this case, it sounds like the nearest pediatric burn unit was far enough to require air transport.

With you up to the last paragraph. Let’s consider why we’re saying animals should be given ‘human’ consideration. Why can’t humans be given animal consideration? Because I feel similar to your argument but in the opposite way. I’m an animal. Specifically a primate. An omnivore. I eat animals because that what I was

Someone teold me there’s another petition going around, unfortunately with fewer numbers and attention, that has tried to eliminate the sexism from the original petition. Don’t know if that’s true (I asked if someone had signed it, and they said they’d signed A petition to her to step down, but not that exact one)

Reddit is so fucking huge it’s very easy to avoid the stuff that you don’t like. There’s no content-specific umbrella over Reddit. It’s practically its own organic entity.’s readership is about 60% women, which is higher than the Internet average. I think the misconception, when it comes to Reddit, is how it is subdivided.

Totally. I’ve been reading about the situation being mostly unfamiliar with reddit and that petition is terrible and completely undermines what they’re trying to accomplish. To the extent that it’s the prevailing driving force for Pao’s critics is pretty problematic. It could have been an opportunity to make a really

I think you've hit upon the perfect antidote for manspreading! If your package is so big that you can't sit with respect for the personal space of others, then it's obviously too big for my mouth. No blowjobs for manspreaders!

Why would they be concerned about their upholding Republican family values? As we all know, Republicans only concern themselves with judging other peoples' families.

I know it's none of my business, but now I'm full of thoughts and questions.