
It’s all politics anyway. I just want him to back to making dumb movies for kids. Whatever makes him happy. Fuck all the haters!

There’s a strong belief some of us have that her stylist hates her.

sexual contact with human remains without authority

“Step 1: Fire every employee. Yes, even the black guy who went along with this bullshit without blowing any whistles.”

Color me not surprised, it’s Arizona America!

“I hit stupid orange cones all the time, ON PURPOSE, because, like Elon, I realize they serve no useful purpose except to hold back a multitide ofimbeciles like you, sitting in your cars, slaves to one stupid little orange cone.”

Do you know why they used a grandchildren of an original Ghostbuster? Because I wouldn’t have felt nearly old enough had they only used his child.

“I like it when you wear the Nazi costume." - Jack, from Twitter


Who is out here not representing male friendships? Online communities, and the gist of this article, want Poe x Finn to be a thing. There are memes dedicated to this.

George Zimmerman will continue to try to monetize his murder of Trayvon Martin until he is dead.

Hey, everybody:

Wow....I have to say I’d want to keep the fuel stops, if only for the safety issue of having 187 gallons of high explosives in a custom container behind me.

So in Endgame when the other Avengers were talking about how they were her only family.. they didn’t even try to check, did they! Unless our new characters here all meet unfortunate ends, in which case, I’ll let you slide on this, Cap.

Danielle Stella’s actual name is dangerously close to being her porn name. 

Yeah it’s all fun and games until you realize that a significant number of post on Neighbors boards say things like “there’s a suspicious black guy in the area” and, sigh, you realize they’re talking about you and your friends.


Late to the party, but I had to let you know this is a fantastic analysis of a game that deserves more love than it ultimately got. Now, how about a sequel on Vagrant Story?