Yeah, I like to think that my Forsaken priest was all about profiteering and not dying (again).
Yeah, I like to think that my Forsaken priest was all about profiteering and not dying (again).
Not saying he should have tased her at all, especially from behind. But, I imagine they have their policy at 7 y/o because there’s next to no guesswork required to see that a child is that young.
It’s like they say... you can take the Lebron out of Ohio, but you can’t take the Ohio out of Lebron.
Huh. Not exactly the update to this one that I was expecting..
I will not go off on a tangent looking for old people fights on youtube... I will not go off on a tangent looking for old people fights on youtube...
TBF, even though looking through their post history it’s more likely that they are a troll account, I guess they get ungreyed for the purpose of “discussion.” Happens with a few other likely-troll accounts too in other parts of kinja. Something about avoiding echo chambers or something.
They obviously should have put 54321 at the end. What were they thinking?
People not picking up on it right away is half the fun. They literally include the user that made the comment, and when it was made.
Upside is finding out about this now means she can get a new roommate before she starts getting mysteriously sick because her roomie is secretly contaminating her belongings.
Generally, Native Americans pay federal income taxes the same as any other American citizen. A Native American who resides and works on tribal land (a reservation) wouldn’t pay state taxes because of tribal sovereignty.
It doesn’t sound like they are suing the victims for money, they are suing the victims so that they won’t have to pay monetary damages to the victims?
most places falling asleep on the job unless there’s some kind of allowance for it is grounds to get you canned period... but yeah, especially for guards.
He was probably one of the standup guys who leaves “FINAL NOTICE” (to sell your house to me) pamphlets in your door five times or call you and leave a voice mail to ask you to buy you house for cash like you’re an idiot.
Is it more racist or just openly racist? I tend to hear a lot of people say they’re tired being “politically correct” these days.
I’m confused. I always assumed that The King’s voice sounded like a demonic didgeridoo. Not quite sure how to process this commercial.
I feel kind of bad that I found out about this from The Onion first.
It was always about the code that Epic helped them built to support and make 100 player BR work in Unreal 4, and how Fortnite suddenly happened.
Aw man... that’s the movie theatre I go to when I don’t feel like driving far/want to catch the matinee. It’s in University City, and is frequented by University of Penn, Drexel and other uni students too.
It’s both unfortunate and interesting to see an example of why that whole shroud of “secrecy” exists in action.
So this weekend some white kid in a t-shirt and shorts that came to my door asking if I could show him my electric bill because “the electric company needed to verify that the account number and rate that were printed on it were correct” or something... and now I realize that I should have called the police on him. I…