Still, I’d prefer he stop DM’ing me, asking for pics.
Still, I’d prefer he stop DM’ing me, asking for pics.
I love how the internet has molded an entire generation of Drax from GotG, that takes every word literally. No, Metallica, themselves, did not arrest kids and open an online music store. They spearheaded an overreaching lawsuit campaign, effectively becoming the linchpin, that not only targeted Napster for copywright…
The Recording Industry Association of America absolutely filed lawsuits against individual fans. Obviously, Metallica doesn’t run the RIAA, but they were the biggest and most vocal artist railing against Napster and supporting the lawsuits.
What made Metallica the biggest dicks taking Napster down was they didn’t just go after Napster but also sued and arrested kids who downloaded music on the file-sharing software and then repurposed Napster as an online music store, charging anywhere from $3.99-$9.99 per SONG.
Thank God Metallica stepped in and basically sacrificed their reputation to take out Napster.
roflol im sorry XD but who do you think is making money from the way copyright is set up? the artist or the record companies ? and who do you think is paying the price apple or small kid in florida trying to do a 10 second meme in tiktok . or a restaurant that bought the CD fair and square or is even playing the…
Shut up, Lars.
I want to hate this, but considering that the current DLC alone is over $300 and I don’t think that’s the most expensive Paradox has gotten, this might kinda be the best way to do it. Especially since the DLC sometimes has quality of life stuff locked behind it from what I’ve read (I’ve played small amounts of Hearts…
First, she’s been repeatedly warned. REPEATEDLY. Second thing, one is comparing actual children in cages and the other one is comparing the treatment of a political affiliation.
There is a world of difference between comparing *public figures getting pushback on their stated views* to putting people in concentration camps, and comparing *putting people in concentration camps* to putting people in concentration camps.
It'll never pass Mustard.
You don’t need any help from me, sir.
...the brand even has a proven track record, in so far as “We can’t stop quoting Madeline Kahn doing the ‘Flames” bit from the Clue movie every damn day of our lives” constitutes a track record of sorts.
No, this is.
Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests?
Communism was a red herring.
This is just a red herring.
i’m sure SAG is excited about the opportunity to quickly add thousands of dues paying members.
Imagine being such a douchebag of an extraordinary level, that you actually make me prefer Nate fucking Diaz over you.