
I figured Schwimmer was saying that a Friends reboot now could be all-black or all-Asian.

So a guy admits to his ignorance and privilege and people then get mad when he demonstrates it?   

I got one last Chief/Assassin moment with Daddy Lance and Nyssa! One last Nyssa saying something (Hello, Beloved) that annoys the hell out of Quentin.


What The Gentlemen needed was Jason Momoa by way of Paul F Tompkins.

I finally got the chance to see a Star War this week.  While I enjoyed parts, I really can't get over my annoyance that they brought Palpatine back.  While influenced by them, Star Wars is not a damned comic book.  Could they just let some bad guys stay dead?

The A.V Club has decided to be ahead of the pack in saying how nothing this film is, even dedicating a whole video “discussion” about how it’s all about directorial cinematic vanity.

I don’t do streaming services, because I’m broke, but Guinan was one of my favorite characters on TNG, and so I have to pipe up and give a big YAY! I hope they dress her in the wimple and table hat again.  Just thinking about it makes me smile.

It’s got Patrick Stewart, a doggo, and Whoopi Goldberg. The trifecta is complete, and now I’m willing to give it a try.


The Circle is the the new Dawes and you should too!

This is the most annoying shit I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Please disregard this article.

In TFA, Kylo is only interested in her powers. He doesn’t have a boner for Rey herself. Likewise, Rey doesn’t really care about redeeming Kylo at all even after finding out he’s Han’s son. The two of them becoming long lost lovers or whatever was something the fanon made up and Rian ran with. 

Not that I’ve seen the last movie, but shouldn’t that be JJ’s fault? In TLJ, Rey’s response to Kylo’s “Joim me in ruling the universe together” plea is a hard pass.

Maybe it's just me, but for me, Laura Dern is pretty great. 

I doubt he’s being offered much at this point. I doubt he’s insurable. So I don’t begrudge him taking what he can get and maybe showing that he can actually handle being on a film set again, and won’t suddenly disappear, might help him get work in better stuff in the future. 

I won’t watch this, but good for Nick Stahl for getting work. That dude has had a rough decade and a half. 

No because he’s a horse of course. And no one can talk to a horse of course.

and a few series too, Derek, After Life.

It’s interesting how much I agree with Johnson, and like his approach and attitude - and even his other movies, from what I’ve seen - but still didn’t enjoy “The Last Jedi.” I admire his big swing, and I love a few parts (pretty much everything with Rey and Kylo), but I wish I could point to it as a counter-example to