
There were covers of Jenkins and Chazelle on a lot of magazines, definitely visually selling the idea that they were co-winners or something. The win never gets talked about without La La Land getting talked about too. The mix up really continues to dominate what the Moonlight win means.

So you would be ok if I used a gif. of you to endorse a hemorrhoid cream?

Is there any issue you don’t have a colossally bad take on?

It’s called a joke, Francis. Fuck off if you can’t discern it.

Dana Loesch is staggeringly insane. Watch any of the promotional videos she does for the NRA, and the message is very clearly “buy guns, because a civil war is a-brewin’.”

I’m gonna spare some thoughts and prayers that she and other NRA members get to experience what those children experienced last week.

Yes, I mean it.

The Russian 15 year old girl made it painfully obvious how much better the yanks will have to strive to be anywhere near that level.. – mailfail, Kansas, United States, February 2014

You think he’s not crestfallen to have blown a cushy gig (probably made about 20k per speech before his pro-pedo stance became public) and a lucrative book deal. He’s an asshole, but he’s a greedy vain asshole and that had to hurt

I’d wager he does as he went from having a major book deal and being influential to doing this. He’s at least embarrassed he lost a fuckton of cash

Because it’s funny to watch someone we hate fail spectacularly!

Isn’t there a certain value in recognizing a terrible person being humiliated? It may not make me a great person, but in a world where the worst people imaginable are coming out on top, I like a reminder now and then that it isn’t always so.

He even retweeted it from his own account!

How come no coverage on the other R.E.M. podcast that dropped today, R U Talking R.E.M. are E Me, from The Boys over at Hollywood Handbook?

Now just to spite your fucking condescending bullshit attitude, I’m gonna buy 100 boxes, thaw them, and send them to Gizmodo offices, ya fuckin jagoff.

Nice, an ad disguised as an article

As a former attorney and mom, I love that she’s made arrangements for his care. So many people don’t do that.

“I’m not even mad about the idea, because it’s not going to happen. I am not going to waste my emotion on it.”

Carruth didn’t even have the balls to send the letter directly to her. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a guy who hired someone to murder his pregnant girlfriend is a complete and utter coward.

How in the world does this piece of shit think that meeting would go? “Hey nice to meet you buddy. I killed your mother. Let’s go get ice cream!”

Not surprising that someone who thought killing his pregnant girlfriend was prudent would think writing that letter was a good idea.

I really try very hard to consider rehabilitation as something that is possible in all cases. I think our prison system is fucked up. I think people deserve second chances.