

“The image of Lewis was placed next to a quote from Cummings about his recently revealed battle with stage four pancreatic cancer.”

What fucking 13 people would upvote this. Better yet what 100+ would upvote the OG comment. YIKES!!!

Y u lie tho?

++ on the Princess Carolyn stuff Nick.

LOL. Me and my sister watched that arc, I’m pretty sure it was over the summer vacation. OMG it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO stupid.

You might be insane.

Proud ignorance!

Would be nice if that was how people reacted, instead of calling 911 to complain about the alert like a lot of dummies in Canada are doing.

LOL. I love this convo. Everyone is doing great all around.

People who watch the “before” movies, obviously know who Delpy is. Bad comparison.

I don’t think WOMEN SHOULD BE PAID THE SAME AS MEN works for Hollywood. Box office draw is a thing. I’m just kinda disappointed the first 99 comments here, on the AV Club, are pointing it out like its a hardcore concern.

I know an amazing amount of people are feeling a lot of misplaced raged over a pretty great plot choice.

Starred but I’ll defs watch a remake and be slightly sad.

Same. She was awesome in VMars even if there is weirdly unfounded shade thrown at it in this article.


*hits star* *reads more* *unhits star* *reads whole thing* *hover over star*.... *clicks star* ?

Thank you. People are always I WOULDNT KNOW ABOUT THIS ASSHOLE UNLESS I READ IT ON AVCLUB. Well. Yeah. That’s the point. Avoid the asshole,

Yeah. This entertainment blog should focus more on people no one knows about and the books they write. I get it. But this isn’t what the AVClub is for. They hardly review books anymore.