So I should go the hospital 99 times a day? Fuck off.
So I should go the hospital 99 times a day? Fuck off.
This is defs one of the worst AVClub articles in a bit.
Right? Why is he shitting on an emergency medical show for having emergencies? I don’t watch this show but I might now to spite him.
Very nice.
I like this, and dislike Sam’s better-than-you jibes about this guy writing this show.
I mean. You easily answered your own problem in your own post. So it makes no sense.
Yeah! Only AVClub has ever reviewed shows on a grade!! WHY DO WE ALLOW THIS?!
Food is very serious business.
Ugh awful.
So... anything that happens before you kill yourself is bad and wrong?
Do you consider your posts to be awful? Because you should. And they are wrong.
I’m older than you, and pretty into Nirvana and Bobcat and... I didn’t know it.
Doing good is doing good.
Your pith levels ARE off the chart
Why hop off at not paying your “bandmates” lodgings and meals. Like. Account for it. Turns out he might not be smart.
Dab Joke made in 2018. Dab joke taken (jokingly) as about the cannabis thing.
This would work if the OG convo took place in englsih and got translated down the line.
That’s a rookie move.
This is petty in a way I love.
And yours on mine! GOTTEM!