
LifeSite is...not reliable. It is a Religious Right propaganda site. Holcomb’s account hits every square on the Religious Right Life-Is-A-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Bingo card, but she’s subtle about it, and if you didn’t grow up speaking the language, you might miss it. I have no doubt that she had a relationship with

Thank you for finally covering this.

Part of her defense was that she was super depressed and suicidal herself, and was on antidepressant medication which made her more susceptible to that sort of thinking.

I believe she supports Palestinians. The problem is that it was a dumb answer (and the GOP is even dumber isn’t really an excuse) and could have easily been twisted around to bash her.

Yes, I believe it should be a sports wide directive. Rather than rely on check boxes in forms, we should start using testesterone as the first determinant. A person who identifies as male but meets the lower testestorone range should be able to compete in the “Womens” and vice versa.

Again this misses the point. If there was a special race set aside for people with shorter legs and Usain Bolt insisted on racing in it, THEN he would be analogous to Semenya.

No one’s “forcing her to take birth control”. Like ALL other athletes she has to hit the eligibility criteria for the group she wants to race in. How she meets that criteria is not their business. And as the article points out, she has a number of alternatives if she is unwilling or unable to meet the criteria. She